
What's the difference between australian football and American football?

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What's the difference between australian football and American football?




  1. afl is better

  2. The guy above me is right, but AFL isn't as tough as Rugby.  I grew up playing both and Rugby is far tougher than AFL

  3. Aussie Rulers, don't cry...

  4. Aussie rules is more continuous, in American football they stop the game every ten seconds or so whenever there's  a tackle on a certain yard line, and then you have to wait for 1-2 minutes for the next play to begin.  I find it quite boring actually. Aussie rules is much more fast-paced  there is no stopping  the game when there is a tackle, no timeouts, no nothing. The game is only stopped when a player needs to be carried off on a stretcher, or when the ball goes out of play. Because of the faster pace and less stop-start, goal scoring is a lot more frequent in Aussie Rules, like every four or five minutes. Oh, and there's the safety gear American footballers wear. Our Aussie boys don't wear helmets and tights, no padding, most of them don't even wear shinguards, just mouthguards.  And our boys play in the rain, hail or shine. It's fun to see them sliding around in the mud when you can't tell who's who cause they're all covered in brown sludge!

  5. for one afl involves more kicking than nfl. also the tackles are more rough in nfl and you guys wear a lot of protection

  6. Good question.  But a better one would be "what is the same?"  The only things that are the same is that they are called football, the balls are oval in shape (American footballs are pointed at the ends and Australian footballs have rounded ends), players can touch the ball with their hands and run with it, and players can be grabbed and tackled.

    American football and rugby are somewhat similar games in that the primary objective is to carry the ball into and endzone, and if a team's progress gets bogged down they will kick a field goal (drop goal).

    Australian football and soccer are somewhat similar in that the ball is passed to teammates by kicking it and the objective is to kick the ball into a goal. But in Aussie football there's no crossbar or goalie.  The facts that the field is over 150 yards long and over 120 yards wide and there are 18 players per team on the ground keeps the scoring from getting too out of hand, but 10-20 goals are scored per team per game.

    As far as  which game is rougher or which is better, that is well open for debate.  I love both games!  I played American football for 4 years and later I played Australian football for 4 years.  Playing American football, I got my ribs cracked, muscles bruised, winded, and got my bell rung several times.  Playing Australian football, I got my bell rung once (opponent cheap shotted me) and sprained a finger when I grabbed a player by the jersey instead of wrapping him up.

    Yes, American football players wear pads and Aussies don't.  But American footballers, because of the pads, can deliver much more vicious and violent hits, than Aussies.  Don't get me wrong, Aussies can hit hard, but most of the violent Aussie hits are against the rules and are penalized (it's called charging and is a reportable offense).  The American violent hits are a required part of the game.

    Have a look at some of the videos on yahoo or youtube of both games and see what you think.

  7. there is plenty of diffrence

    aussie rules is a lot tougher than gridiron as they dont wear any padding  plus they dont have a spare team on the sidelines ready to run in  they are only allowed 3 substitutes

    called interchange players

    theres a lot more diffrences but it would take hours to explain

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