
What's the difference between being fertile and ovulating?

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What's the difference between being fertile and ovulating?




  1. if you're fertile you can become pregnant.  ovulating is a specific period (about a week per month) that your cycle is at a place that makes you REALLY likely to get pregnant.

  2. Being fertile is the days that your body can concieve and ovulating is when your body releasing a egg.  Basically being fertile prepares you for ovulation.

  3. ovulation is the maturing and releasing of an egg from your ovary.  fertility is the natural ability for a woman to reproduce. being fertile means you are ovulating correctly, or are about to ovulate.

  4. being fertile and ovulating are 2 completely different things. Fertile means you can become pregnant that their is nothing wrong with your eggs. and Ovulating means that your egg has droped and if  sperm reaches it , it can become fetilized and you are then pregnant..

  5. Ovulating means the egg is currently being released.  Or, if you mean overall, it means that you are releasing an egg once each month, and in theory, are able to get pregnant.

    Fertile means that your best time for having the sperm and egg meet and produce a baby is NOW.  Sperm can live up to about 5 days, so you are fertile up to 5 days before you ovulate, and the day after ovulation (since the egg can live 12-24 hours).

    Fertile can also mean, overall, that you are ovulating and therefore (in theory) are able to get pregnant.

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