
What's the difference between bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder?

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Two BPDs...




  1. I am not a doctor but t the best of my understanding Bi polar is someone that goes through extreme emotional periods. For awhile they may be up and at it all hours of the day and night with lots of energy and happy. Then at other times they are in bed, in the dark sad and withdrawn.

    Borderline is someone that is without any morals. I guess like they would steal and lie without regard to any ones feelings or losses.

    And the last one is someone who hears and/or sees a life inter reacting with other people that exsists only in their minds and they do not know what is "real" because their world includes another kind odimensionon or something which gives them people to talk with or that talk with them and no one else hears or sees those people.

    I hope this is accurate and helpful. Best wishes.

    Light, Love & Blessings,

  2. Ok, here are some short and simple explanations.

    Borderline Personality Disorder - schizophrenic symptoms without psychosis, hence borderline, since its borderline on psychosis. Black and white thinking, bad relationship problems, unstable self-image, behavior, and identity. NO hallucinations and such.

    Schizophrenia - psychotic thinking; hallucinations and delusions and BPD symptoms.

    Schizoaffective Disorder - basically bipolar 1 + schizophrenia

    Bipolar 1 - Having atleast one full blown manic episode with or without major depressive disorder.

    Bipolar 2 - hypomania(light mania) and major depressive disorder

    Hope that helps.

  3. Bipolar is when a person has dramatic mood swings, from hyper elation to the depths of depression.

    Borderline Personality, means it boarders between psychosis and neurosis. There can be depression and also off the wall happiness.

    BPD's are very needy of validation. They are sometimes not good at relationships. Their insecurities make the over bearing at times, too needy, They can be a Camellia's - meaning that who ever they are they become like that group or person. For instance.....if hanging out with a church group then are the ideal church person, if they are hanging out with a gang, they become a perfect tough gang member.

    They are compulsive liers. They will sometimes do anything to get a friends, When they get a friend they are so intense that the friendships burn out. Also BPD are either hating someone or other times adore and love that same person. Often it is all of nothing.

    They have a huge need to be loved and accepted at all costs. They are often promiscuous, desperately trying to find that one person that will validate them and love them. They often have a detachment disorder. They have a love hate thing going on with themselves.

    They test people who love them, just to see if that person will stick with them. They struggle with self esteem issues. There is a book called I HATE YOU DON"T LEAVE ME. Very typical.

    Shzicophenia is a mental illness where the person who has a altered sense of reality. They hear voices. Often the voices tell them to do things that arn't right. They are often paranoid, worry that aliens or other people are fallowing them and they mean then harm. They don't fit in to society. They talk to thenselves and talk to immaginary people. They usually appear dirty and discheleled. They are often harmless but often scary to see. With the talking to aliens or what ever they are in to at the  moment.

  4. I think bipolar is characterized by major depression with mania  (ups and downs)

    BPD is more altered personality traits effecting emotions: bursts of anger, can't get along with people due to personality/temperment; ego

    Schizo is short for schizophrenic:  disorganized thinking with hallucinations usually

    Bipolar 1 - I think is mania AND depression

    Bipolar 2 - I think is either mania OR depression is pronounced more    Eg., he is bipolar but experiences more mania

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