
What's the difference between brand name items and cheap items???

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So yeah What is the differnece? In food they taste exactly the same and why is the cheap brand so much cheaper, to me I don't get it. Does anyone have an answer to my Q? Thanks!




  1. the only difference is the price

  2. Most cheap brands are obviously inferior, but smart savvy marketing has led a lot of otherwise sensible people to believe that no-name and cheap brands are just as good as brand names. The advertising claims that the products are "made in the same factory by the same company" as store brands. Big whoop: I can cook chicken cordon bleu and lumpy oatmeal in the same kitchen and with the same pan, but that doesn't make them the same.

    No-name foods are often seconds rejected by the major companies for having an unpleasant texture or taste (stringy, watery, thin, sour, bland, misshapen, uneven, full of stems and seeds, etc.). Some cheap brands of canned tomatoes contain twice the water of better brands - so much so that the cheap brand isn't cheaper per ounce of tomato. Also, cheaper products are often not processed on dedicated lines: the manufacturer may use the same line to process various kinds of food, which could be a problem if you keep kosher or have severe food allergies. Cheaper food may also be packaged in cheaper containers - not a big deal except in the case of acidic foods, where the wrong container can react with the food, stripping vitamins and minerals and causing a change in taste and colour.

    Cheaper brands of cleansers may contain harsher chemicals and are usually more dilute than store brands, so you need more. Cheap scrubbing pads rust quicker and are often made from coarser steel wool that can scratch your pans.

    Cheap paint is always more dilute - more solvent, less paint, less dye - and it doesn't hold up as well, so not only do you have to apply more coats, you have to repaint sooner. It can actually cost you money in the long run.

    Cheap electronics may not be safe - the UL symbol might be fake or the item might not have a symbol. This is very dangerous because a badly wired product can catch on fire, and if the item wasn't approved by the UL (or CSA) your insurance company may refuse to pay out if the fire spreads. Another real danger comes from unauthorized chargers, which have caused a number of house fires recently.

    Cheap kitchen utensils and dishes break more easily; cheap dishes are prone to cracking within weeks of purchase just from regular use. Cheap sheets might be too small for the bed or they might have seams or be so thin they fall apart quickly or be made of polyester, which is clammy and uncomfortable.

    Cheap clothing may be sized strangely and may have been made in a sweatshop, by child labour, or even by slave labour. (Sadly, this is more than possible with anything you buy. Even some American-made items are made in the Marianas under conditions we wouldn't want to work in.) The seams might be weak and the fabric might be cheap and quick to wear through.

    I'm not a fan of saving money by sacrificing quality (although if you're really broke you might not have a choice). I prefer to sacrifice quantity - I don't buy what I don't need, but I buy the best quality I can afford of what I do need.

  3. Some things taste (and work) exactly the same, and sometimes there are differences.  In fact, sometimes the generic brand may even be better!   Most generic brands are actually made by the name brand companies, and just released under a store label.   It's just a matter of trying both, and seeing if you prefer one to the other......

  4. I honestly don't think they taste the same. I personally hate buying the knock off stuff like Great Value .. it just doesn't taste as good. SOME products are okay with the non name brand but mostly .. only name brand tastes good.

  5. if it's a food item then it may taste different and it may not, thats a matter of opinion. if it's non food items like OTC meds or toiletry items check the ingredients and most of the time they are the same. People pay more just to get brand name but if the ingredients are the same then buy the generic. Your just paying for the name not quality.

  6. quality, no the cheap foods do not taste like the brand names, try eating cheapo tuna or soup, you will change your mind

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