
What's the difference between communism and socialism?

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What's the difference between communism and socialism?




  1. I think the idea behind communism was that eventually there would be no need for govornment.  Everybody owned everything and any one person owned nothing.  No possessions.  Everyone works for, and is motivated by, the good of the group and not for their own personal gain.

    Socialism still believes in govornment but that everyone gets taken care of.  As opposed to the capitalist belief that if you can't pull your own weight you get left behind.  It's OK to strive for more wealth in socialism but you're not allowed to get too much.

    These are the conceptual descriptions of these different ideologies.  How well they actually work and which one is best is a whole other argument.

  2. Obama / Democrat........communism / socialism.....all pretty much the same meaning.

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