
What's the difference between crazy and eccentric?

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Please be crazily eccentric w/ your answers my friends ;)




  1. mental illness and a lot of cats

  2. eccentric means one has a different view of life, work, happiness, humor.  some of us hole up in the house, or carry too much starch in the personality or character traits.  maybe we tinker a lot or go out by ourselves.  some may delve into transgender or other intellectual exploration, if for no other reason than to try to figure out what make a neurotic personality tick.

    Eccentrics are usually neurotics- which means that it isn't what it is, but what it isn't, as viewed by one so afflicted.  Neurotics... well look it up in psychology and it'll explain a lot.

  3. The difference is in who is doing the labeling...  if it's you, it's eccentric; if it's someone else, it's crazy.  ;-)

  4. Your level of income.  If you are poor, you are crazy; if you are rich, you are eccentric.

  5. Crazy people are poor or middle class.

      Eccentric people are rich.

  6. the difference is quite similar because the way that the word crazy is used make the meaning eccentric.

    The old meaning to the word crazy meant someone that was mentally disturbed.

  7. I have been described as eccentric a couple times in my life and someone once told me I looked eccentric (although Im very attractive)- I've been called crazy jokingly from time to time...I always thought they were synonymous...eccentric sounds like a nicer and lighter way of saying crazy- theyre both phenomenol words either way!

  8. crazy is insane, eccentric is quirky

  9. When you are crazy your thought are all scattered. You might start something & then walk away & start something else & you are just all over the place...Today someone I know put white knit gloves on & it was really weird looking. This I would think is eccentric. It reminded me of when Michael Jackson wore one glove. You can be both at the same time.

  10. "Crazy" implies DOING something without an aim / reason.

    "Eccentric" implies simply DOING just because (you) can.

    There IS a difference - believe me.

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