
What's the difference between creation and evolution?

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What's the difference between creation and evolution?




  1. Evolution is science and creation is religion.

    Creationism has no place in a science classroom, just as evolution should not be part of a religious studies class.

  2. They are truly one and the same.  Neither can exist without the other.  Evolution is inspired by Divinity of creation.  Whereas the theory of creation would not be plausible without evolution.  

    It seems to me that argument concerning the two  is one that will never be resolved in my lifetime, nor anyone Else's'

  3. God. Thats it both are faiths trying to satisfy the curiosity of how we began. One says God the other says not God. Pantheism vs. Monotheism.

  4. wow i just studied this in school . creation deals with a god who created everything in existance. evolution deals with charles darwin's theory of things evolving from one common ancestor.

  5. Well, if I was going to believe in creationism, then I would have to believe in intelligent design.

    Since the North Pole doesn't look like this:

    As it would if intelligent design was indeed a true theory and actually applied to all things present in the real world and not just humans.

    Well then, I guess that evolution, is once again left as the only contending theory given the empiricle evidence that has so far presented itself when actually using science.

  6. Two of many theories that try to explain how we came about.

    Difference is that creation cannot be refuted because of the way it is surmised. (eg "Hey we found a skeleton that is 3 million years old" - answer "God made the skeleton to be 3 million years old but he created it 5000 years ago") and so on and so on...

    Evolution can be debunked and will cease to become a theory when it is refuted.

  7. There are many differences between creation and evolution.

    1.  Creation is an idea for how life began; evolution explains how life changes through time.

    2.  Creation is based on the Bible; evolution is based on observable and accumulating evidence.

    3.  Creation is a story believed in mainly by undereducated and/or ignorant Fundamentalists; evolution is not believed in, but UNDERSTOOD by people who do not let their religion interfere with their understanding of the world.

    There really is no debate on the subject.  Those opposing evolution cannot "create" any evidence for their belief, so they make ridiculous statements trying to disprove evolution, which they think will somehow prove creation.  It's best to ignore the ignorant.

  8. 180%

  9. The first is myth and the second is a scientific theory supported by the evidence.

  10. God vs the combination of C H O N.

  11. Creation is a theological idea that a higher power created 1) the universe and/or 2) mankind.  Views differ on the specifics, some say that mankind was created in the image of said higher power, some say that the higher power merely guided the development of mankind.

    Evolution is a naturally occuring system for advancement inherent in all life that uses DNA/RNA to store genetic information that is, for the most part, explained in the scientific theory of evolution.  

    The big differences are that creation is part of belief systems while evolution is a scientific concept, and that creation explains (albeit theologically not realistically) the beginnings of life, the universe and everything while evolution is not related to the beginnings of anything, merely the "transition" through different forms of life.

  12. Creationism is a religious belief that says god miraculously created the universe and all life in just a few days (middle eastern religions). Evolution is a scientific fact and a theory that says life adapts to environmental pressures and changes

    slowly over time. Evolution does not say anything about the origin of life, only the origin of species. There are no scientific theories for the origin of life, only guesses.

  13. Creationism is the belief that the universe, and all life in it, was created by a god or goddess or a group of them.  Most religions have creation myths; some have several.  Despite apparent popular belief, the Christian creation myths (there are a couple of versions in the Bible) are by no means the only one.

    Evolution is the tendency of DNA to mutate randomly.  Some of these mutations are beneficial to the organism, many are harmful.  Some have no effect whatsoever.  These changes add up over time and can cause one species to evolve into another.  This particularly happens when there's a change in the environment.  If an organism has a heavy fur coat and a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, they're more likely to survive the cold and have babies with similar features than a skinnier, less hairy one.

    Evolution is a fact, and scientists have worked out a theory of evolution, which explains how it works (sort of like how gravity exists, and those equations you learn in high school tell you how fast something will fall).  Science can address evolution because we can watch it work.  Science only deals with things you can see, hear, touch, smell, and taste.  Creationism is a religious thing because it involves a Creator, a being outside of the realm of the senses.  Since we can only use faith, and not one of our five senses, to know the Creator, it's beyond science's capacity.  Religion and science are not mutually exclusive; they address different things.

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