
What's the difference between cross country and track?

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I thought they were the same thing. I must be an idiot.




  1. cross country is when you run for a long distance. also cross country is when you run on a trail such as the woods. track is when you run small races such as a 100m race and all the races are on the track. also in track, they have other events like hurdles, and the long jump.

  2. Cross country is when you jog a large distance, and track is a little smaller when you usually run in a circle track

  3. well ive heard a lot dumber questions.  xc (cross country) runs on trail and is usally 5k but is 10k in college for men.  track is ran on a track and xc is run on trails. hope i helped

  4. Cross country is run on a trail, usually in the woods.  It is 3.1 miles if you're in high school.  Track has many different events and they are all run on a track.  XC and track are actually quite different.

  5. 1.cross country there is only one event

    track has multiple events

    2.cross country you usually run around a trail one or two times

    track you go around a track that is 400m up to 8 times which gets boring

    3.cross country you could run in the shade if there are trees

    track you run in the sun

    4. cross country there are tons of people running at once and there are usually no heats

    track about 7 or 8 people run and it you run in heats

    5. cross country is in the fall

      track is in the spring  

  6. about 10 000 bumps  

  7. You're not an idiot- it's a common mistake, don't worry about it

    Cross country is all "long distance", while track is a variety of distances, from sprints like the 100m dash to longer events like 10K's, with things in between like the the mile or 800, etc

    Track is always on the same terrain, a round track usually made of some sort of rubber and sometimes asphalt.  They are either 400m around (in lane 1), or 200m for indoor tracks.  Cross country is run on all different terrain: grass, hills, flat ground, etc.

    They are also scored differently, and you use different types of racing shoes for each.

  8. cross country run far miles and trach runs short  

  9. The longest event in Track is 2400 meters (1.5 miles) at most schools, and Cross Country is usually 2 miles or more.  Track is known for the shorter distance runners (100 meters-800 meters) and Cross Country is for the distance runners (2-5 miles)

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