
What's the difference between difference between public relation and sales promotion?

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What's the difference between difference between public relation and sales promotion?




  1. Public relations is the relationship that exists between the company and the public at large. Some times this is local but often it is national or even international. I have been on all seven continents and have found that Ford Motor Company is well heard of, there by creating at good imagine. I have no fear of doing business with  Ford. A sales promotion may help to create a warm relationship with a person but it is shortly lived. All of the motor companies right now are doing their level best to sell all of their gas burners, they have rebates and low interest rates that are meant to turn your head. these companies may at first create a good feeling for them but it is the service that you receive after wards that will create the real good or bad feelings about their company

  2. They are really not even related. Public relations deals with just what is says-relating to the public. They issue press releases and help ensure a company is portrayed favorably in the media, with customers, etc.

    Sales promotion deals with promoting your products via advertising, pricing specials, displays in retails stores, incentives to retailers who sell your products, etc. The objective of promoting is to obtain new customers and increase sales.

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