
What's the difference between eating a dog and say something like a cow?

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What's the difference between eating a dog and say something like a cow?




  1. I don't know having never tried dog. Perhaps you might post in a country where such is done? You know, where people are hungry. Perhaps they might give a perspective?

  2. we don't keep cows as house pets, we look on them as part of the family.

  3. you'd need to be barking mad to eat a dog! sorry

  4. none really we just live in a society that thinks it is wrong that we eat dogs cats or other pets. i personally wouldn't eat a dog or cat though.

  5. Taste wise, a dog is said to be a lot tougher and has a stronger smell to it but I did not notice when I was tricked into eating it in China a few years ago. Turns out it was 'braised dog (don't know the breed) in beer'.

    As far as eating it voluntarily, its because we associate a dog with being a pet not food I mean how many people have a cow as a pet? We are brought up knowing that certain animals are destined for our dinner table. During the war, it was common to eat horse meat. If you're hungry enough you'll eat anything.

  6. if you ever had a kebab you had dog. how do you think battersy dog home make money....they sell the old manky ones to kebab shops

  7. You have to be hungry to eat a dog, but you have to be VERY hungry to eat a cow.

  8. a dog is a pet.....not food..

  9. Not much, you're still eating flesh of an innocent being who's only fault in life was to be born into this wretched world, only to end up in the digestive tract of a human and then crapped out the next morning...

  10. Your nationality.

  11. none

  12. better to eat grass eater than meat gobbler.

  13. perhaps the same as eating a human or pig.  there are socially acceptable things and mores that are forbidden.  the dog is a pet, close to a member of a human family and so not considered food for humans

  14. how do you say something like a cow?

  15. a dog is always considered a man's best friend and people who live in places like the u.s. can usually find a way to get any other kind of meat

    but dogs are eaten in places that aren't so lucky

  16. Society (and in some cases religion) give us certain set expectations about animals and their roles, and whether it is okay to eat them.

    In the UK we don't tend to eat horse but it is acceptable in France. In Korea, some people eat dogs but that is not acceptable to other cultures. In Hindu countries however, the idea of eating beef would be worse than eating dog I expect.

    We can also be guided by looks - there isn't really a logical reason why so many people are happy to eat chicken but not rabbits - except that people think that rabbits are cute and chickens are not.

    I think that, without realising it, we think of Rabbits as cuter than chickens because we easily see human characteristics in them.

  17. Nothing, except certain animals are easier to find in the grocery store.  Also there are certain societal taboos about certain kinds of animals.

  18. i think you better ask someone at PETA that question

  19. I dunno but you've piqued my curiosity.

    I dont reckon our hound needs all of that big long tail.  Ten centimetres off the end, plucked, fried then whacked in a baguette sounds like I just got myself a Saturday afternoon project.

    Rover.  Come here.  Daddy wants to give you a little trim.

  20. We seem to eat only vegetarian (herbivore) animals.   Dogs are carnivores.   Could this be the reason?

  21. You get more meat from a cow.

  22. I have never eaten my dog... I have never even thought about it... She might like it though! The women I have eaten seem to enjoy it... based on their screams of passion...

    I have never eaten cow either... Here in the USA, cows give milk... I have drank processed milk...

    I have eaten the meat from Beef Cattle... Ribs, Steaks and ground beef... I prefer it 85% to 90% lean and for the most part it tastes good...

  23. because usually people like dogs more.. so it's like eating your little brother...

  24. Cow is fatty- dog is lean.

  25. dogs  seem more like friends than cows  and its more practical to bread cows for meat.  but I am sure if we were starving we would eat any thing ???

  26. we humans are a funny lot that way. i once ate horse, unwittingly at the time, but once i knew what i had eaten i never ate it again even though i quite enjoyed it! its just because we are human i think and its part of our character to associate emotions with certain animals and not others. i bet if u kept a cow as a pet it would have its own personality and funny characteristics just like a dog, then u probably wouldn't be able to eat cow anymore. this subject does intrigue me because i don't think we can justify eating animals really, i mean as in eating certain animals but not others, and yet, i still eat meat.

  27. we have an emotional attachment to dogs, which we have don't to cows.

    in our ancient culture the dog has been useful, as a guard or sheep herder, or just all sleeping in the same area to keep warm.

    as some people mentioned, hindu's have emotional attachments to cows, painting them and adorning them with flower necklaces and jewels.

    nutritionally i think the cow meat has more energy.

    as for the stupid veggie hippies, if it's wrong and inhumane to eat meat, why do we have pointy teeth, why doesit benefit us and why does a bloody fried steak with garlic and pepper turn me on??

    every living thing on earth, depends on another living thing.

    even grass is life, it reproduces, as do vegetables, if you claim the only indication of a non considerable form of energy for humans is something with a nervous system, you're saying you have authority and a right to decide and determine what is classed as precious life and what is not.

    that's well out of your station and offensive to me and it's offensive to life on earth.

  28. lots more meat on a cow, but dog is nice on toast.

  29. None, they both taste good

  30. The dogs tastier

  31. cows are professionally farmed and maintained animals. Dogs l**k their own privates.

    If dogs were farmed and kept clean then technically I guess there wouldnt be much difference. I don't think there is any moral difference or anything. It's just some countries view dogs as a pet animal not a food animal. The same way some countries will eat horses, but to me as a British person that seems strange.

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