
What's the difference between ego and personality?

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Would you agree that men buy objects to display their ego, and women buy objects to display their personality?




  1. An ego is how you see yourself  and a personality is how others see you .  

  2. your ego is the part of your mind that rejects who you really are and makes you believe that you are someone your not. Y  our personality is the  behavioral manifestation of your ego's and outside influences that you have perceived and accepted in your consciousness and unconscious mind of yourself.. Yes i agree to the second part of your question.

    Most companies create  product marketing concepts manuals and other such product study materials but i'm afraid that i don't know how to get that information.

  3.  (scroll down info on focusing on teen girls)

    Ego means self, personality is a larger concept of which self is included, so no to answer your question.  Women are more focused on buying things to make themselves look better, or items for their family (focus on differences on gender roles/stereotypes).  Men purchase items to reinforce "masculinity" etc.  That line of argument you can show research evidence for. has a search engine, you can find more research summaries there.  

    Good luck!  (college psych prof)

  4. Silent Cobra has the right idea. The ego protects us from what we don't fully understand. It serves as a curtain pulled over our eyes to "blind" us to knowledge we are not yet ready to face. The ego processes reality and twists it to an acceptable level at which we can live. That's why we are often in conflict because often something in reality does not agree with our ego's reality.

    Personality is heavily influenced in its development by the guidelines set by the ego, which is also adaptable to given circumstances to keep that curtain over our eyes. If we have too much ego and not enough personality, we will perceived to be full of "hot air," a small person who will do many petty things to validate their ego and their very shallow personality. If we have too personality and not enough of the other, then we will be more vulnerable, whether through influence or outright manipulation. Thus, there is often a conflicting relationship between ego and personality in which both try to reach a resolution, at least a temporary one.

    Consumer behavior is based on these two concepts on a SOCIETAL level. They like to have egos rubbed (validated) and, at the same time, have the opportunity to express their personality catered to their own personal level. This way, they are free to express themselves as much as they can without feeling self-conscious.

    So yes, men tend to, more often than not, buy objects to reinforce their ego, to validate their personality status, esp. men who feel they are alpha-male. They then feel safe, after the ego takes the forefront, to display their personality in the background, thereby showing vulnerability at a lesser level.

    Women, who tend to express feelings more often, and would buy objects to display their personality. So long as their personalities are confirmed in the public eye, their ego, which often takes the background, is also validated through this acceptance.

    So, to sum it up, men tend to seek ways to validate their egos first, which would then allow them to have their own personality accepted by society while women tend to find ways to reinforce their personalities, through which their egos are satisfied.

    Just keep this relationship between ego and personality in society determining consumer behavior.

  5. I can't agree but here is a website that will give your some other ideas as to how the two genders make their decisions to purchase. Good luck with the essay! (IT's not women who are the impulsive shoppers!)  

  6. I'd have to disagree on objects bought. I think most people buy things when they are younger because it's what appears the right thing to do. As you age, you realize you only need to get what you need.

  7. I'd say it's more like men buy objects to compensate for things, and women buy them because it'll look nice with 'x' outfit or in 'x' room!

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