
What's the difference between madeline McCann and madeline McCann jokes?

by  |  earlier

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The jokes are easier to find!




  1. Too soon, Pickachu, too soon.

  2. lol, I heard a slightly different punch line

    McCann jokes will get old

  3. not even worth answering but i thought i would, just to let you know that i think you are an idiot.

  4. You're in the wrong section, this is for jokes.

  5. Are u a mexiCANN or a mexiCANNt?

  6. Ha ha that is a funny JOKE!!!

    What a corker.

    Maybe a Star 4 U

    Others calm down for god sake..


  7. BOOOOO!

  8. thank goodness the school holidays are nearly over,!!

  9. There are some really sick people on here.

  10. ha ha ha funny

    thanks for a laugh

  11. now now pikachu...I know you're cute and all that but in very bad taste!

  12. i tried not 2 laugh but i couldnt help it

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