
What's the difference between murder and man slaughter?

by Guest61995  |  earlier

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i can't find any information, i can't follow the series i'm watching cause they always say "that's not murder II, that's man slaughter"




  1. Trooper ( as usual) is absolutely correct. It is intent that defines the difference. To use an example that I feel would best show the difference:

    If you aim your car at someone and run them over, killing them, that is murder.

    If you are driving down the road, step on the brakes and they fail, running someone over and killing them, that is vehicular manslaughter.

    I hope this helps and you can find it useful

  2. Murder is when someone kills someone with malice meaning with hatred and wanted them dead.

    Man slaughter means that someone killed someone but didnt mean to do it like an auto accident

  3. Murder is killing someone with intent to kill, Man slaughter is unintentionally killing some one by a reckless act, like speeding in a car with a passenger, or throwing a stone and accidentally hitting someone and they die through the injuries that you caused. Have a great day.

  4. Intent.

  5. murder is planning to kill someone (first degree), killing someone on purpose but not planned (second degree) and accidently killing someone is manslaughter (third degree)

  6. The difference is intent.

    Murder requires intent, meaning your actions were for the purpose of killing the person.

    Manslaughter is a result of negligence or carelessness, and there was no intent.

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