
What's the difference between process-switched and fast-switched ???

by  |  earlier

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I am studying to become a CCNA and i don't know what this two routing terms mean?

I really appreciate you guys attention :)




  1. Dear friend u r in a really mess of information.

    routing and switching are 2 diff. topics. switching is done by switches within the same subnet. and routing done by routers for inter subnet communication.

    well for ur quest. :-

    there are 3 types of switching done by switch:

    1) cut-through : switch checks destination address and immediately starts forwarding the frame

    2) store and forward : complete frame is received and stored before forwarding

    3) fragment free(modified cut-through) : switch checks the first 64 bytes then immediately starts forwarding frame

    first is the fastest but there may be collided frames as nothing  is checked (such as CRC). second is slowest as storage and CRC check are done. third is smart and moderately fast, it checks first 64 bytes, if corrupt frame or RUNT is found its discarded otherwise frame is forwarded.

    hope u get the answer

  2. Process Switching means that packets are moved around after being examined by the processor.  Because of that it is quite a bit slower and no longer really used.

    Fast Switched uses a cache and does not need to look at all the info on every packet.  If the header info matches a cached entry it passes it to the right spot.  Much faster.

    There is a 3rd even faster method too.  See reference.

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