
What's the difference between "där" and "vart" in Swedish?

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I always thought that when saying "where", you use "där", but I see some people saying "vart".


Jag vet vart jag står.

I would've said "Jag vet där jag står."

Which is correct and why?

PS: I know där also means there =P




  1. No, "where" is translated as "Var" or Vart".

    "Var" is used when asking where something is located. "Vart" is used when involving movement.

    Där means "there".

    Where are you going? = Vart ska du gå? (going somewhere=movement)

    Where is my sock? = Var är min strumpa? (located somewhere=location)

    My sock is there. = Min strumpa är där.

    "Jag vet vart jag står" isn't proper Swedish (although, when speaking a lot of people will say this). It should be "Jag vet var jag står. You are standing somewhere=location. As opposed to "Jag vet vart jag ska gå". "I know where I'm going to go". You use "vart" because you are talking about a movement. You are going somewhere.

    "Jag vet där jag står" isn't proper Swedish.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. In English, "where" can start either a (direct or indirect) question or a relative clause.  In Swedish, "vart" starts a question, "där" doesn't.  In the sentence "Jag vet vart jag stÃ¥r", "vart" starts an indirect question.

    By the way, based on what I learned at school, I would've written, "Jag vet var jag stÃ¥r."  I'm not sure if "vart" is really accepted as standard there.  A web search suggests "var" is indeed more common, but "vart" occurs much too frequently to be a simple typo.

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