
What's the difference between "head start" and pre-school?

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I've seen "head start" as a program for kids but i'm just curious if it's another name for pre-school.




  1. first off about half of the first responders dont have the information correct the others are only partially correct....I was a "HeadStart" teacher for 8 1/2 years....

    1st ...HeadStart is a federally funded preschool program(or at first it was, now it includes several additional programs that include both pregnant women and infants/toddlers from birth to age 3yrs), for at-risk and low income children and their families..that was originally designed to give the children a HeadStart in the school system.

    2nd ...the program was originally one half day program at a site usually in a church or other building like a community center, either 4-5 days per week and running the same length of a regular school year...most recently it has also added both full day and full year programs in some locations

    3rd ...the program was originally designed for at-risk and low income families...but also had spaces for any family in need of its services and as a matter of fact the program has to maitain a specific percentage of children of all types of needs(disabled, low income, average income, and disadvantaged in other ways)...and the first spaces go to those children who do not make the cut for kindergarten (depending on the local cut date for that program)..the next to 4 yr olds and then the remaining to 3 yr olds...

    4th the biggest difference in the HeadStart and other preschool programs are many...headstart also includes things like physical/eye/ear/nutrition includes breakfast/lunch to its morning programs and then lunch/snack to the afternoon groups...these are often the only nutritious meals a child eats during the day...also the program functions to allow children to "see" how school and life functions...sharing, playing together, learning can be both fun and exciting....for many this is the first time they have access to books, art materials, and outside play...for many others its the first time they are away from home and their parents/siblings and need to formulate their own personalities and learn how to integrate with the rest of society...for those children who are or are thought to have some sort of disabilities they can be tested ad worked with by experts and given some ways to help them learn better or to the best of their abilities...

    5th this program for the most part is avail to all who wish to participate and if I had my way all of my own children would have attended this program rather than the programs they did attend(all through the local elementary school as no headstart program was available in my area)...I saw more than 80% of all the children in my classrooms over 8+ yrs of work improve in all areas and others make good strides for their abilities...including one child who was thought to be deaf for over 3 years...who was found only to have had multiple layers of wax in his ears and be within the normal hearing range in all areas.(wow)...

    Dont be afraid to ask to observe the classroom in action...volunteers are always welcome and loved for their offer of help...Its one of the best things the American Government ever allowed to be created and continues to fund

  2. Head Start is a federally funded Early Childhood program for low income families or families with other stressors. It is usually a preschool program but some have an Infant/Toddler component. Unlike regular preschools there are people on staff to involve parents and there is a focus on the family along with Health and Nutrition,

  3. Head Start is free for low income families and pre-school you have to pay for your child to attend. They both are for children 3-5 and teach basically the same thing only head start is governmentally funded. My son is 3 and started Head Start yesterday. A few tears in the morning but once he is at school he loves it so far. I'm so happy I decided to enroll him.

  4. head start is for 3 year old pre-school is for 4 year olds

  5. Head start is a federally subsidized preschool program. Priority is often given to at risk or low income students. However if there are additional openings anyone can attend a Headstart preschool.

  6. In my area "head start "is free and is only for kids with special needs and/or low income. they have buses. lunch program, etc

    some public schools has "pre-K" so thats in with public schools and is free and in the elem. school bldg.

    "pre-school" is not free or income based, no buses and is usually half days

  7. That depends on where you are. Where I used to live, head start was a program for toddlers prior to entering kindergarten, and was actually held at school. They would ride a bus to and from the school. It was also mainly for low income families that couldn't afford pre-school. (my youngest brother was in head start because we were poor when I was younger)

    In pre-school, my daughter is currently in a pre-school, it is mainly held at a church or other such location. The parents are required to take and pick up their child and it costs a monthly fee. I pay around 200 a month for my daughter to go. It is mainly for ages 2-4/5  depending on what age they start kindergarten.

    They basically teach the same things, only at the pre-school they are more likely to base it around the church. My daughter has chapel on thursdays, where they learn about Jesus and bible stories and the like.

    If you are not a very religious person, then I would suggest looking into head start or a  pre-school not held at a church. We have several pre-schools here on the island that are not based on church you just need to look and see what is available and weather you can afford it.

  8. head start is funded by the dept of health, and pre school is funded under the dept of education. Head start is focused on the overall health and well being of the child, nutrition, self help skills, etc.

  9. As just about everyone else said, Head Start is a federally funded preschool program. You do need to qualify for head start, income guidelines, child care subsidy, reach-up and a few others. Head start not only serves the child but the family, that's the biggest difference between head start and other preschool programs.

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