
What's the difference between race ethinicity?

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What's the difference between race ethinicity?




  1. Race is about skin color and derives from the continent of origin (caucasoid, mongoloid, etc).  Ethnicity is a subgroup and has to do with culture and other shared characteristics (ex: Hispanics are spanish speaking peoples, Jews stem from tribe of Israel)

  2. only one race----the human race.

    Ethnicity-----has more to do with one's origins and culture

  3. Race and ethnicity is the same thing. Maybe you meant nationality and ethnicity. Nationality means what country you are from and ethnicity means what your background is

  4. Race is a fairly old concept, which pretty much developed in medieval Europe; although the use of the word with it's present day meaning dates to 1774. It seemed pretty obvious that there were three races (subspecies) of man . Informally referred to as [White, Black, and Yellow] or [European, African, and Asian] or [Caucasoid, Negroid, and Oriental]. Since most scholarship was biblical it was assumed that these races were descended from the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham and Japheth

       In the 19th century the idea of a proper taxonomy became an obsession with Europeans. A lot of the stuff you read in "white supremacy" literature comes from this period especially grouping people by cranial profile. Races were almost universally considered to reflect group differences in moral character and intelligence.

      The efforts to define race extended into modern biology and genetics. The idea of subspecies more or less fell apart, as it was discovered that there was far more genetic diversity across different groups in Africa as there was between Europeans and Asians. This discovery agreed with the concept that humans had lived in Africa for much longer than the rest of the world and subsequently had time to develop the  genetic diversity.

       Ethnicity is a more modern concept (word use dates to 1953) to categorize people with similar genetic markers without resorting to the idea of subspecies.

       Officially, in the USA, race is "self-identifying". There is no classification system other than what you call yourself. Law enforcement obviously relies on race in describing suspects. Mexico has a much larger indigenous population than the US so they group people by their language (I think there are 56 languages).

      There is a point in time referred to as "Identical Ancestry Point". At this point in time every human alive on the planet is in the family tree of every single human alive in the present (or his line died out).  The "Identical Ancestry Point" is thought to be only 5,000 to 15,000 years ago. The species is thought to be about 150,000 years old, so the point where we all have the same ancestors was not really that long ago.

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