
What's the difference between registration day and orientation day?

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What's the difference between registration day and orientation day?




  1. Registration day is when you, well, sign up for something (let's say a new school).  Orientation day would be when you visit the school, get information on the layout of the building(s), learn the rules, etc. ...

  2. I don't know if your school need an ID card to enter, but in my school on registration day the teachers took our picture and then they put it on an ID card and give it to us on the beginning of the school day because they wouldn't let us in without it. Orientation day is when you visit the school and get informations about it. Sometime they will take you on a tour so its pretty cool.

  3. Registration day is where you register - sign up for classes, etc. Orientation day would be (like at my school) get your schedule, check out lockers and find classrooms.  

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