
What's the difference between salsa and picante sauce?

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What's the difference between salsa and picante sauce?




  1. Salsa does not need to be hot. I  make red and green for my kids without chilies, and they love it. Salsa picante means it is a hot sauce, most of the time it is like a burnt red color, it is sold mostly in bottles and eaten with chips. Tabasco is a good example of picante sauce, so is the Mexican brand Bufalo and la sabrozita, which you can easily find at a Mexican grocer.

    By the way, I disagree with those who claim that a salsa made with fresh ingredients is not cooked. Actually, you can cook any salsa made with fresh ingredients. You do that in hot oil, which makes it last longer, or you can boil the tomatoes before putting them into the blender. Green salsa, in particular calls for boiled green tomatoes, or tomatillos. I do the same with red tomatoes. If I boil them, then I don't fry the blend. People have no idea of the amazing variety of salsas that people make in Mexico, it is absolutely salsa heaven.

  2. picante sauce is spicier than salsa. Read the ingredients

  3. Picantes are made with vinegar and are meant to be used as a spice or flavoring. Salsas are made with fresh ingredients  

  4. salsa is made with  raw ingredient's. picante sauce has cooked ingredents.

  5. salsa is fresh ingrid's -diff levels of heat.always chopped-chunky or fine,even a sliced dill type is considered salsa/pico (de gallo mostly ) any can also be combined w/ fruits to bring the heat down and flavors up ,this method is not totally americanized,but a fair practice throughout true mexican cuisine.

    and picante is usually sauteed and mixed w/ vinegar,s&p and liquified such as tapatio,toro,tabasco,and any other shaker type sauce .



  6. ??

    I agree with Snow and Arcecus

  7. salsa is made with fresh raw ingredient's. picante sauce has cooked ingredents.

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