
What's the difference between snail mail and email?

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My boss told me to look up the snail mail address of some people. Is there a difference between snail mail and email?




  1. I think snail is slow

  2. snail mail is mail that you send in an envelope with a stamp and an address.

    and i think you know what email is, because you're on the computer.

  3. Is this a serious question?

  4. snail mail is standard mail... put the postage on it, put it in the mail box... so a snail mail address is the physical address of the business or person that you are sending this package or envelope to.  

  5. Snail mail = US Postal service

    email = email

  6. Snail mail = using the post office to deliver your letters

    Email = send an email on the computer...

  7. yes there is...snail mail is just WRITTEN letters (which we know can take days to reach the person) when they said snail mail address, they meant home address...where the person lives.

  8. Yes, you physically deposit a letter in the mail mailbox.  

  9. Snail mail address is the person's real home address like what you find on an envelope. Email is just over the internet...

    Snail mail is slower and email is faster...

  10. snailmail is traditional mail.  He is wanting their physical mailing address lol.  it is slower than email thus the name SNAILmail  

  11. Snail mail goes through the regular U.S. mail postal system, sometimes takes several days to deliver. Costs $.42 per half-ounce these days. E-mail goes in instant time, (depending on the speed of the ISP's involved). Before snail mail, people sent their stuff by U.S. Mule.

  12. lol Yes there is. snail mail is paper mail that goes through the postal service. so when your searching for the company address you are searching for the actual building or post office box (p.o. box)

    email is considered faster mail because of paperless and not having to go through the postal service.


  13. Are you joking?

  14. snail mail is slow.. >.<

    try looking them up on

  15. snail mail is regular mail, like from a mail carrier

    i'm sure you know what email is

  16. your boss is in deep doo-doo having you around.

  17. snail mail is sloweer and email is faster

    i think im not sure:)

  18. snail mail is regular post office mail. So he wants you to look up their real addresses so you can send them stuff via regular mail

  19. i assume when he says "snail Mail" he is refferring to sending it through the actual postal service.  Its called snail mail due to the amount of time it takes to de delivered compared to todays quicker modes of communication. So he wants you to look up there physical address of the people so you can mail them something.

  20. snail mail is real mail. its the mail u get in ur mail box. all those magazines bill and letters were delivered by "snail mail". since it takes a few days for any type of letter/bill/magazine to arrive ppl started calling it snail mail, b/c its so slow. and since snails move slowly they called it snail mail.

    e-mail is when you use the computer to send ppl messages. and its pretty fast too. it takes only a few minutes for the message to arrive

  21. Snail mail is the US postal service. He means their actual address, like 55 N Broadway

    city, state zip

  22. Email is electronic...

    snail mail is the postoffice...  and takes a few days..  (Snale mail)  

  23. Snail mail is mail, like with a stamp on it and you put it in your mailbox. email is electronic...

  24. snail mail is an actual letter,

    but email is an email  

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