
What's the difference between someone changing and someone being fake?

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What's the difference between someone changing and someone being fake?




  1. my definitions:

    FAKE: someone who is still the same person on the inside, but they pretend to like other things or say things they dont personally like or believe just to get certain people to notice them or like them.

    CHANGING: someone who truley has new interests and are into a new style & hobbies, or they may have changed their personality because THEY like it that way , not just to impress other people.

  2. Wanted to help. but do not understand yr question? what exactly is yr question?

  3. To change: 1. To lay aside, abandon, or leave for another; switch 2. To transfer from (one conveyance) to another 3. To become different or undergo alteration 4. To go from one phase to another, as the moon or the seasons

    To fake: 1. a worthless imitation passed off as genuine

    To change is to make a switch, you're actually different whereas being fake is not changing, it's staying the same. Faking is like putting black makeup on a white face. When you wash it off you're still white.

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