
What's the difference between vegan and vegetarian?

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Other then dairy. I know gummy bears have gelatin in them. Is that something vegetarians shouldn't eat?




  1. There are different kinds of vegetarian diets. Here is what they do and do not eat.

    Vegans don't eat red meat, fish, poultry OR dairy, eggs, honey or any other animal by product. Veganism usually extends beyond just avoiding consuming animal products. It is a philosophical and or ethical point of view which, aims to minimize animal suffering by eliminating the use of all animal products such as leather, fur, wool and silk and avoiding products tested on animals.

    Lacto vegetarianism

    NO red meat, fish, poultry OR eggs

    Eats dairy

    Lacto-ovo vegetarianism

    NO red meat, fish or poultry

    Eats dairy and eggs

    Ovo vegetarianism

    NO red meat, fish, poultry OR dairy

    Eats eggs

    Pescetarians, Pollotarians and Flexitarians are NOT vegetarians, they are are omnivores.


    Other things to avoid:

    Rennet - from cow's stomachs

    Casein - comes from milk

    Collagen - connective tissue from meat

    Fatty acids - can sometimes be animal-derived

    Gelatin - made from bones

    Glycerine - can sometimes be animal-derived

    Lecithin - usually soya, but can come from eggs

    Marine oils - from fish

    Whey - from milk

    Any kind of lactate or Lactic acid - from milk

    Cochineal - colour made from crushed insects

    Honey - bees

    These are mostly found in processed foods. Read the labels carefully to check it doesn't contain any of these ingredients.

  2. its ok for vegetarians to eat gummy bears it not made out of animals and i think vegans are ppl that eat foods with no trace of animal in them

  3. vegeterians well depends what type of vegeterians they are,

    for example im a lacto vegeterian i dont eat eggs, or fish but i do drink and eat dairy products.

    vegans are the hardcore ones, they dont eat ANYTHING that comes from an animal (ex.gelatin)they dont wear clothes coming from animals either .

  4. There is a very large difference between ovo-lacto vegetarian and vegan.

    Vegetarians usually just follow the diet, but some will also not use leather or fur.  

    Vegetarians avoid any product that is a result of slaughter like meat, gelatin, glycerine, lard, tallow, etc.

    Vegans go a step further and do not use any animal products at all.  This means that they don't eat any food from an animal including meat, dairy, eggs, honey and other by-products or ingredients.  Also, vegans do not wear clothing that is from animals like fur, leather, wool, silk.  Down or feather coats, blankets, and pillows are not used either.  Vegans also buy no products that were tested on animals or bath/body products that contain animal ingredients.  Basically, vegans try to limit their contribution to any form of animal or insect exploitation.

    If the gummy bears you have contain gelatin, it's not considered a vegetarian food.  But there are some gummy candies out there that are vegetarian and vegan, like swedish fish and others.

  5. Gelatin is a slaughter byproduct (dead animal, in other words) and even vegetarians don't eat it.

    Vegetarians don't eat dead animals.  Vegans don't eat , use, wear, purchase or otherwise consume anything of animal origin whatsoever, regardless of whether the animal died for it.

  6. Hi! Your question is very common.

    The difference between a vegan and a vegetarian is that a vegan eliminates all animal products from their diet, including dairy. Those following a vegan lifestyle do not wear leather and avoid products made from animals such as wool, silk and down. Vegans tremendous humanity for animals is an abiding, overriding conviction in their lives.

    Vegetarians do not eat meat, fish or poultry, but might eat dairy products such as cheese, eggs, yogurt or milk. Vegetarians are not as predictable in their beliefs, as there are many reasons to become vegetarian that don’t necessarily include altruism as a primary motive. For example, many vegetarians have eliminated meat for the sake of their health. In fact, there are a great many people lumped into the category of vegetarian. Lacto-vegetarians will eat dairy, but not eggs. Ovo-vegetarians will eat eggs, but not dairy. Lacto-ovo vegetarians will eat eggs and dairy products. The reasons for these choices are varied and based on individual beliefs. In some cases they are based on moral choices, and in others on dietary needs or simple preference.

    A vegan, on the other hand, is self-committed to upholding a personal standard of living where animals are concerned. Generally, the vegan point of view is that animals are not here to be exploited by man, and that commercialization of animals necessarily involves a fundamental, inhumane component and lack of respect for basic life. Unfortunately, cruel methods are often cheaper methods, and animals raised for meat or dairy products by commercial interests are commonly and routinely kept in abusive conditions and slaughtered inhumanely in the interest of a competitive marketplace.

    Sad, but true!

    Hope i helped =)

    Add: For the person that mentioned mu name: I didn't mean to "offend" vegetarians. I commend if a person that usually eats meat skips a meat meal!

    I reckon there's a difference between vegetarians and vegans. But nothing related with inferior or superior!!!

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