
What's the difference between what you want and what you get ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. If he is determined, then he will get what he wants.

    At least he is enthusiastic about it, not like some of the other players who are only in it for the money and fame.

  2. Well I'd say it depends on a couple of factors.

    First is ability. Are you Able to get what you want. (I hope this doesn't turn into a Rolling Stones Song, but I should add that it is true that "You can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need.")

    Or a slave wanting freedom but can only achieve this goal in death.

    Then there is motivation.

    For instance, I was motivated too answer this question in a philosophical way.

    Of course, as with the Slave. It does depend on Environment. For environment is everything.

    A repressive environment, and little can be achieved.

    A free and open environment means anything is possible.

    So in closing I would say that it depends on prospective.

    The slave wants freedom. But gets beaten and forced hard labor.

    While a Free Man can run for President of America!

  3. Look im an arsenal and barca fan but i think he'll get it

    he's a man on a mission and i've seen how he plays when he wants something bad

    at first i just thought he was another pretty boy footballer who got paid more for ads than football

    but when i saw how he pulled Phillip lahm out of the way to just get to that ball to score a goal for spain in the final i knew he was a worker

    i even saw how he jumped over mertersacker who is like 6 foot 8 and that when i knew this is a man on a mission

  4. there may be no real difference between those two if you are a skilled player with the potential to achieve what you actually want

  5. One is living in delusion. The other is THE expected result from perennial losers.

  6. he's gonna get the goals...


  7. What he wants: Fame, attention, EPL and champions league trophy, breaking his own record.

    What he'll get: only fame (maybe) and attention(obviously), and maybe he might touch his own record of 33 goals.

    for the rest, I think that he certainly forgot that United still play for the EPL and the Champions league, lol.

  8. Well ask Ferguson ;)

  9. I'm betting on a case of second season syndrome.

  10. inwant........................U have no sweat & have hope

    in what U get............. U have sweat  & have accomplishment.

  11. "I’m certain that we can go a long way.”

    At least he is not deluded like the rest.

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