
What's the difference between white eggs and brown eggs?

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Just wondering if there's any difference between the two aside from color. somebody asked me this today and I honestly dont know.




  1. The price.

  2. I always heard that brown eggs were more nutritious and had more protein in them... I try to buy brown eggs when ever possible and at the prices eggs are these days it gets kind of hard to do...

  3. racism

  4. In general, chicken breeds with white ear lobes lay white eggs, whereas chickens with red ear lobes lay brown eggs.  Although there is no significant link between shell color and nutritional value, there is often a cultural preference for one color over another.

  5. No difference at all.  The breed of the chicken determines the color of the shell, nothing else.

  6. yes a brown egg is alot more rich in color of the yolk and the flavor.. they are much better tasting than a white egg..

  7. White shelled eggs are produced by hens with white feathers and ear lobes. Brown shelled eggs are produced by hens with red feathers and red ear lobes. There is no difference in taste or nutrition between white and brown eggs.

    The reason brown eggs are more expensive is that they're laid by larger chickens that require more feed, which makes them more expensive to produce.

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