
What's the difference in climate and mosquitoes between Santa Marta and Barranquilla, Colombia?

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Also, is it true that barranquilla is not on the beach? Where is it exactly? river?




  1. The short Answer is None. It is not true that Barranquilla is not on the ocean, but I would totally reccomend Santa Marta over Barranqulla. Also get something with a LOT of deet because not only will the mosquitoes bite. but there are tons of zancudos. (I have no idea what they are called in English)


    Santa Marta is a port along the northern Colombian coast in the Atlantic. It is two hours away from Barranquilla. It is the second largest port after Buenaventura (on the Pacific coast). and t is not know for its beaches because they are scarce and somewhat dirty. This is mainly due to the fact that Barranquilla is a cosmopolite and primarily industrial city, which is often visited by businessmen form all nationalities; however the main attraction for tourism is it's carnival "Carnaval de Barranquilla", that takes place four days before Ash Wednesday.

    There is a river that halves it in two called the Magdalena, the largest navigational river in Colombia.

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