
What's the difference of a woman being beautiful vs. s**y?

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Is there a difference between beauty and s**y? I know a woman can be both, but how are they different and alike. Can a woman be really s**y without being really beautiful and can a woman be extremely beaultuful but not all that s**y?




  1. (From a woman's perspective) I think it has a lot to do with the woman's personality. A woman can be extremely beautiful (body, face, hair) and have a very nasty attitude towards people and life. Which can make others around her question if her beauty based on how she looks, or how she treats others.

    On the other hand, a woman that is beautiful, has style, class, respectable, treats others with kindness and is self-confident is considered by the masses to be s**y (posing like Mary Catherin Gallagher "SUPERSTAR!"). So I think sexiness is something that comes from within. If she's confident, poised, mentally and psychically attractive, and people adore her. A woman can be beautiful and be bitter at the same time. Which makes people with common sense steer clear of her. But the s**y woman is someone that most men and women alike are attracted too, and enjoy being around.

  2. Literaly

    Beauty- something that causes natural or asthetic pleasure/appriciation. A waterfall can be beautiful, or a starry sky or the view of the city horizon

    s**y- someone (or something, like an action) that causes you to want to have s*x

    A women can definately be beautiful but not make you want to have s*x with her, and you could want to have s*x with a women who isn't someone you would consider beautiful

  3. Class

  4. yes s**y is all about attitude and confidence. Beautiful in the most shallow of ways is really only skin deep.

    A beautiful woman without depth will be a booty call, a s**y woman will be a prize to pursue forever.

    I have personally known women who would never be considered centerfold material who were sexier than any woman in print. And I have known insanely hot women who had nothing else to offer.

  5. I had to asked my husband this question once. Me being female, I have no idea how a man perceives us. Hubby said that a beautiful woman is one who is physically attractive: combed hair, smells nice, etc. A s**y woman is one who just screams s*x every time a man looks at her. Apparently, physical appearance takes a back seat on that one and a certain part of a mans body does all the thinking from then out. [lol]

    Ok, yeah, and I asked him which category I fell into. A pause. Then it was "you're in the cute category". I guess that will have to do. [roflol] ♥ ∞

  6. Attitude.

    Attitude and style, Yes a woman can be beautiful and not be s**y, if she's uptight or an unpleasant bytch.

    Yes, a less than beautiful woman can be s**y ( though ugly ain't' gonna cut it). Clothing ,attitude, confidence and body language transmit sexuality.

  7. I think there is, but darn, I'm having trouble putting it into words! lol

    A woman can be s**y but not really beautiful. I have a friend who is definitely s**y, but I'm not sure I'd call her beautiful. She's pretty, but....yeah. And a woman can be beautiful but not s**y. My sister is a beautiful woman, but she doesn't ever go for a s**y look. It isn't her style. I think she could easily pull off s**y if she wanted to but she doesn't.

    I think the difference is that sexiness has a more flirty or attention-getting aspect to it, and it appeals more to the sexuality of the observer. Beauty, on the other hand, isn't flirty and isn't so "focused" on sexuality.

    If I wanted to dress sexily, I'd wear something that emphasized my b*****s and legs, and probably a pair of strappy heels. I'd wear smoky eye makeup as well. Basically emphasize my s*x appeal. If I want to look beautiful (dunno if I am but a gal can try! lol), I'd wear something classy and pretty that accentuated my figure without revealing too much. I'd dress so that the focus was on my face rather than my body, and I'd wear makeup that looked natural and pretty instead of va-va-voom.

    Hope this helps!

  8. I agree w/ what The Mrs. said: It's Class & how you carry yourself, examples: Halle Berry is beautiful, Angelina Jolie is s**y.

  9. The same difference between handsome and s**y in men.

    I think Brad Pitt is absolutely beautiful in his physical perfection. Michelangelo would have wanted to carve a marble statue of him. But I think he has the s*x appeal of a mosquito net.

    I think, for example, the actors Russell Crowe and Gabriel Byrne are neither of them very handsome. But they both just drip sexuality from their pores, and I'd take either of them any day of the week over Brad "Pretty Boy" Pitt.

  10. when ur beautiful you r a good person INSIDE. and s**y is outside like b*****s and other things like that. so yes u can be beautiful and not s**y or s**y and not beautiful

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