
What's the difference with a garrison, a fort, and a base?

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What's the difference with a garrison, a fort, and a base?




  1. actually a garrison is where the army are housed as in living quarters.

  2. nothing, its all really that same thing

  3. Garrison=Not in combat. When you hear "in garrison" it means like back at the unit. Garrison commander, is the commander that stays back on post when they deploys.

    Fort=Air force place of duty (actually can be anyone. No one calls it "back at the fort" it's a name for the place

    Base=Marine place of duty

    Post=Army place of duty

    FOB=Forward operating base

    COB=Civilian operating base

  4. I looked this up because as an Army wife of ten years it occurred to me that I didn't know! There seems no difference between the definitions but certainly we describe a Town which is predominantly occupied by Soldiers and their Families as a 'Garrison Town'  rather than a 'Base' Town or a 'Fort' Town, so I am still confused!

    garrison n 1: a fortified military post where troops are stationed

    fort n 1: a fortified military post where troops are stationed

    Base: .(Mil.) A place or tract of country, protected by fortifications, or by natural advantages, from which the operations of an army proceed, forward movements are made, supplies are furnished, etc.

  5. depends on what branch you're in.

    base is air force

    fort is army

    not sure what a garrison is, maybe marine.

    if drammine is right the air force living quarters are barracks.

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