
What's the differences between private and public sector organization??

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What's the differences between private and public sector organization??




  1. the word says it already

  2. A private sector organisation is one which is owned by its shareholders. The shares are publicly listed (available for sale) but privately owned. the organisations main aim is therefore usually to generate money to its shareholder owners.

    A public sector organisation is owned by the government (the public owns it through our right to vote and the governments representation of us). A public sector organisation can make a profit but tend not to. for example the police force is a public sector organisation and generally use tax payer money to provide a policing service. They can however charge football  clubs to police events and make a small profit on this. This does not change the fact they are publicly "owned".

  3. Private sector


    * Owned & financed by individuals, partners, or shareholders accountable to their owners or members.

    * Main aim is of a commercial nature such as profit, return on capital employed, market standing or sales levels

    Public sector


    * Created by government

    * Do not generally have profit as their goal but have a political purpose

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