
What's the diffrence between a Republic and a Democracy?

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I see no diffrence could somebody please explain




  1. "A republic is a state or country that is not led by a hereditary monarch. Where the people of that state or country (or at least a part of that people) have impact on its government, and that is usually indicated as a republic. "

    For example,

    In the case of Athens way back in Plato's time, you could best describe the government structure as republic, because even though some of the people had some say over their government, a large part of the population weren't citizens and therefore couldn't vote or hold office.

    This is different than a democracy because (at least in theory) in a democracy everyone should have a right to vote and speak.

  2. Rebulican is what Bush is so you cold what is it

    And John F.kenddy was Democrate

  3. A republic is where the people elect officials to represent them.

    A democracy is where the people vote on every single issue.

    The U.S. is neither.  We are a democratic-republic because of elected officials represent us most of the time, however there are certain things that we still vote on.

  4. A Republic is governed by rule of law, as in written rules.

    A Democracy is basically mob rule.  Whatever the majority wants is acceptable.  Whatever the minority wants is illegal.

  5. A republic is a government in which the voting public elects a limited number of individuals to represent them in the government.  A democracy is a form of government where each citizen is given and equal right to vote.

  6. "A republic is a government in which a restricted group of citizens form a political unit, usually under the auspice of a charter, which directs them to elect representatives who will govern the state. Republics, by their very nature, tend to be free polities, not because they are elected by the citizens of the polity, but because they are bound by charters, which limit the responsibilities and powers of the state. The fact that people vote for representatives has nothing to do with making anything free. The logical consistency and rationality of the charter, as well as the willingness of the people to live by it, is what keeps people free.

    A democracy is government by the majority. There is still a restricted group of citizens in a democracy, but this group rules directly and personally runs the state. The group may delegate specific tasks to individuals, such as generalships and governorships, but there is no question that the ruling force in a democracy is not a charter (if there even is a charter), but the vote of the majority. Democracies are free only if the people know what freedom is and are consistent in their application of it. If they don't know this, or more appropriately, if a majority of the people don't know this, then a democracy could be just as tyrannical as the worst dictator (see Socrates' forced suicide by the Athenian democracy.)"

  7. Which end your rulers s***w you in.

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