
What's the disadvantage of the money-less world?

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Correct my rather typical idealism, would you, for I see no disadvantage in the concept of the money-less world.




  1. Do not think that money less world does not exist. It does and we donot recognise it or the principle behind it.

    Take kids. Children. They  are money less. Their basic needs like food , cloth , toys  medicines are all met. So what will they do with money even if they had ? They may buy more toys  and not more food.

    Take animals. It is the same thing. They take what you give  They are also part of the world.

    The situation changes when the kids grow up. What changes are their non esstential needs and  these changes are not important for their parents. So, for the first time the growing ups move into moneyed world from money less world. That is it  and there is no stopping of it till we are old. There again , when we are old we donot need money but someone to meet our basic requirement. Fundamentally a money less society can exist in priciple.

  2. It would be a lot more difficult to be greedy in a cash free society.

    I'm not sure that this would be a disadvantage though.

    Love and blessings Don

  3. trading would be hard

  4. idk how you would even begin to impose such an idea on the world. We love money. It makes us superior and generous when we give aid to others. It determines value and is a key to equalizing transactions. we would depend on the generosity of others for a good few decades and even after that, some of us would prefer to mooch off of others than, heaven forbid, live independently. Money is like a security blanket for us. When you are in need, because 'everyone needs somebody to lean on' at some point in life but you have no money, you are dependent on that person's good will and hard work. What if people start taking advantage of you? What if you are the only man with sugar plants for 300 miles. Everyone needs sugar and you would just have to give it to them. Payment won't be based on worth, it'll be based on need. Not everyone is willing to make a life for themselves and they will constantly be in need. The homeless on the streets today would get more benefits than doctors. I believe that the homeless need help, just not at the expense of all the others. If doctors were to give free care to all the homeless, who would take care of the middle-class families who could actually pay for it. Except no one can pay for it because we just got rid of money. No one will get care based on what they have done to deserve it, so why bother to do anything to deserve it? There's no reason. I hope this was understandable;)

  5. Faith is the triumphing of good romanticises impoverished times. So cold in the bathroom your nostrils blow smoke without the aid of a cigarette. Scarping green bacteria from cheese to salvage the edible parts, living on a paltry existence ion a rich man’s land, yes there is something of the otherworldly suffering, a masochistic struggle to reconcile with a lot that is not entirely irreconcilable or inescapable, although when one tries it is most definitely unbreakable, this vice like grip about our persons. The oppressive spellbound state, this power that intermittently seeks to assert itself publicly by controlling our will in the most uncharacteristic way. To bleed profusely and find comfort and to be denied this security as to do would encourage the innocents whose world you find yourself amidst. This constant outwitting, engineering and manipulation to avert any possibility of one gaining peace should one be resigned to living as an existence. There are others unhappier and miserable and yet the majority given every conceivable boon remain wretchedly as a plague of parasites in our minds threshold, mindful that we don’t become as they, life is and yet it is not, complete and blessed and so bereft if man has not his peace of mind and control of his environment, what greater curse than impoverished pauper residing as hapless captive in the land of the obscenely rich...

    Utilitarianism, the sacrificial suffering of one for the gain of the majority is a disproven nonsense yet nations build empires upon this fallacy.

    Thankyou for according me this opportunity to rant a little, happy and prosperous be ...

  6. A moneyless world is not possible because people are retarded and stupid.  If people were intelligent, then a moneyless world would indeed be possible.  Not just intelligent, but ethical.  Speaking of no money, one of the things Tolkien had described in his LOTR series as the Elves being more "perfect" than people, had to do that in Elf society there was no money.  In all societies of men, sure, Numenorians included, but not in Elf.  See those the Elves were connected to the "Valar" themselves, tolkien's equivalent of the "gods of the highest heaven."

    In other words a moneyless world is only possible in a planet were people are closer to divinity than anything else because even a hint of selfishness will destroy that whole operation.  Gene Rodenberry envisioned that in his Star Trek universe, but he wasn't the first; once the hippies experimented having a no money society, but it ended up failing miserably.  Prior to that in the 19th century the man who attempted to show Utopia was possible, his comune also ended up failing miserably.

    The only man who came up with a practical solution to the money problem, believe it or not, was the Chinese philosopher Kong Fu Tze (Confucius).  He wrote in his analects, that an anti materialistic standpoint was not practical, that if society was focused largely on relationships between people, and that such order was maintained over a long period, society would in time naturally evolve into a money less one.  But not before a long period of transition were selfless thinking became the norm culturally.

    Ideologically speaking in Kung Fu Tze's time, the idea worked, problem is in the modern world any society you established anywhere would eventually succumb to the need for money.  Also the only country in the world that has successfully implemented Kong Fu Tze's philosophy, is Singapore.  Singapore is a Chinese diaspora city, established I believe by refugees from Hong Kong who escaped to the place to get away from the war torn city during the Opium war.  For a long time it was a third world sh*t hole, worse than many places in Africa and Latin America.  A politician however, implemented the philosophy of Kung Fu Tze, the end result has been that Singapore is one of the richest Chinese enclaves in the world.  Singapore is what China WOULD be, if it wasn't Communist, and it followed Kung Fu Tze's teachings.  No Singaporean Chinese who has ever been to the "home country," or Hong Kong, has moved away form Singapore; many in fact hate China, even though they themselves are ethnically Chinese.

    Also, life in Singapore isn't cheap; one of the ironies is, that Kong Fu Tze's philosophy has turned the place into such an expensive place to live, it is impossible for any foreigners to move there.  Singapore is generally open and welcoming to foreigners, however its so crowded no one wants to move there.  More because of their prosperity, than racism, have they kept foreigners out.  If anything, to white supremacists, Singapore is an example; make "white lands" so rich, no one can afford to move there.  Critics of Europe have argued, that is the reason Europe has made itself as wealthy as it is; to keep nonwhites out.  Indeed, the E.U. has an almost ridiculous sum of money that many Europeans don't know what to do with, taxes and all.

    How do European beaches get so crowded every summer?  How the h**l can such a large percentage afford trips abroad, and why do they act like such snobs?  I'll tell you the answer; the cost of living forces many of them to save money generation after generation.  Taxes and all the money piles up, pretty soon they don't know what to do with it.  Part of the reason Europeans are such arrogant fashion snobs, has to do with the fact that too many have throw away money.

    Frankly I kind of dread the prospect of living there.......  Oh well though if my family is there, what can I do?

    Sorry for that last bit of personal stuff but I hope that answers the question.

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