
What's the distance in centimeters from the Southeast coast of Hawaii to the middle of Midway??

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Just wanted to know the distance in centimers plz.

What's the real distance between Hawaii and Midway is 2,432km. Calculate (show all work) the ratio scale. Pealse help!!




  1. Well:

    1KM = 1,000 Meters

    1cM =  .001 meters

    To find the factor, divide 1KM by 1cM or 1000/.001=100,000

    (There are 100,000cM in a single KM).

    Multiply the distance in KM by the factor to convert to cM(2,432 X 100,000 = 243,200,000cM)

    But I'm not sure that's what they are asking here.  There was mention of a graphical scale?  Do they give the distance in cM on the map or are you maybe supposed to actually measure the distance in cM and then determine the graphical scale between map distance and actual distance?

    If so, then you will have to take the Real distance in cM (243,200,000) and divide that by the measured distance on the map in cM.  This will give you the ratio scale.  (If they provided a map, you may need to actually measure to find the map distance in cM)

  2. This is REAL easy.  1Km = 1000M = 100,000CM.  Do the math.

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