
What's the drug reference in the White Rabbit always being "late?"?

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Hey y'all,

I was recently watching "D'oh'in in the Wind," and noticing White Rabbit being played, I wondered: what's the drug reference in the White Rabbit always being "late" in Alice in Wonderland?




  1. The only reference I'm vaguely aware of with regard to White Rabbit is Valium.

    "and the one's that mother gave you don't do anything at all... go ask Alice."

  2. its an inuendo made to go over the childrens heads (for the adults)because the first pregnancy test was a womans urine injected into a white rabbit if it died it meant you were prego im 44 and thats what hospitals(Baylor hosp.Dallas tx) still did when my mom was pregnant with me,Plus its a play on the story of "The Tortois and the Hare" (race)

  3. he is late for his appointment with the drug dealer.

    If your late for the drug dealer, someone is likely to come after you with a gun.

    and that rabbit is a querky animal, behaving much like drug uses (it's just a con)

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