
What's the dumbest pick up line ever used on <span title="you!?????!???????????????????????????????????????????????????????">you!?????!???????????????...</span>

by  |  earlier

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umm so i was at the beach last week with my best friend. and this guy said "how much does a polar bear weigh?" and i knew the answer already it was "enough to break the ice."

i thought it was cute though.

what's the dumbest used on you and/or the dumbest one you have done to someone???




  1. I used this one on a girl once: &quot;i know we haven&#039;t met before because i never forget a pretty face&quot;.

  2. My personal favorite.

    I love your dress.... I wonder how it would look rolled in a ball next to my bed.

  3. Wanna go halfs on making a b*****d with me?

  4. This boy in school said this:

    Do you know karate? Because you&#039;re body is kickin!!!

    Imagine my surprise when he said that. I&#039;ll have to admit I was a bit flattered. I prefer guys to be sweet and shy when they confront a girl they like. I don&#039;t like pick-up lines or the casual &quot;wanna go out&quot; kind of thing.

    I&#039;d rather that he write me a special note or if he talked to me in a special setting. Its more romantic. Then again, I&#039;d only go for guys I share a bond with. Like a friend. ^^

  5. &quot;I lost my phone number..... Can I have yours?&quot;

  6. One time this guy came up to me and said &quot;d**n girl! I&#039;ve heard that milk does a body good, but how much milk do you drink?&quot; I thought that was the dumbest one I&#039;ve ever heard. There have been some other dumb ones, but that one I just rolled my eyes at and just walked away.

  7. hey do you have a phone

    ( i replied no not on me)

    his reply.

    well if you ahd a phone can i have your number?

  8. &quot;Girl you have a triple.&quot;

    &quot;Huh (my response)&quot;

    &quot;You have a pretty face, big b*****s and a big butt!&quot;

    Of course I was offended and walked off, btw this was spoken by a man old enough to be my father!

  9. &quot;Wanna see my pickle glow?&quot; (connected to a Penn &amp; Teller thing about how to turn a pickle into a night light)

    &quot;That shirt looks great on you, but it&#039;d look better on my bedroom floor.&quot;

    &quot;So, whaddya like for breakfast?&quot; (it was 4 in the afternoon)

    the classic, &quot;If I could rearrange the alphabet, I&#039;d put U and I together...&quot;

    and &quot;Your daddy must&#039;ve been a thief.&quot; (he didn&#039;t finish the line, just left it there during the awkward silence that followed)

  10. A guys used this one on me:Are you from Tennesee because you are the only ten i see?

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