
What's the earliest that you had your baby and the baby didnt have to stay longer than 2 days in the hospital?

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What's the earliest that you had your baby and the baby didnt have to stay longer than 2 days in the hospital?




  1. Most hospitals will let you out after 24 hours and a check up.  I had my 2nd at 8AM and left the next day after the doctor checked us and gave us the green light to go home.

  2. I gave birth to my son at around 42 weeks. I was induced. We stayed in the hospital 2 days. I had to have stitches from tearing.

  3. I had my daughter 27 weeks and she is still in the hospital she is six months old.  So don't fee like you want to rush it cause I would give anything to be pregnant for longer time.

  4. I had her a week early and we stayed 2 days because it was a c-section. otherwise it would have been one day

  5. My sister had her baby 4 weeks early and stayed just 2 days in the hospital...i on the other hand wasn't so lucky..

  6. My sis in law had her newborn at 32 weeks, and she stayed about a week and a half.  She came home yesterday and is doing great!

  7. we had our daughter at 39 weeks and only stayed 24 hours.

  8. My sis in law delivered 4 weeks early and they stayed just two days.

  9. I was induced at 39 weeks on a thursday(had her at 11:40pm) and I was sent home on Sat (11am),

  10. 2 wks early and stayed 2 days

  11. Had my daughter 3 days early. Got in the hospital on a Friday around 1:30pm and left the next day at around 8pm.  

  12. i had my son 2 weeks early at 4:29am sunday morning and i was home monday at noon. i hated staying in the hospital and here they are only allowed to make you stay 8 hours, after that its up to you.

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