
What's the easiest and fastest to learn free online Italian program??

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What's the easiest and fastest to learn free online Italian program??




  1. public library on-line ...research now site

    Microsoft has a down-loadable Italian language translator free also

    low cost is tons of tapes on Language and stuff great prices

    i learned some of the Asian lang... learning Swahili

  2. programs are useless, believe in me!

    You may run the risk to learn something totally wrong and not understandable...

    i'm not perfect speaking in english(and writing in english too) but i'm italian so i can give you an help whenever you want...just ask me when you need something!


  3. I bought Pimsler's Italian Language CD at the bookstore (the beginners version) and it was great.  you really do retain a lot from them.  It was the basics but it got me by very well.

    The library has the full version (free).

  4. You did not say what kind of free online Italian program you were looking for, here are a few (free download to learn italian) ( (free online dictonaries). What about ltalian cooking,(

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