
What's the easiest or best way to keep my fingertips warm when skiing?

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even when im wearing my gloves my fingertips always seem to freeze




  1. mittens or hand warmers. basspro carries both. walmart also.

  2. Gloveliners help a lot.  If your hands sweat a lot changing to a dry pair of gloves at lunchtime may help.  Make sure your trunk is warm, layer up.  If your body is cold the blood may not circulate out to the extremities sufficiently.  My wife and daughter swear by those hot packs in the orange wrappers. You can buy them at ski shops and outdoor camping and hunting type stores for a couple dollars.  They're good for 4 hours or so of warmth.  Your gloves may not be a good size.  If they're too small they air around your fingers may not be warming up.

  3. they need to / probably do make battery power heated gloves. i wish i knew...mine freeze too

  4. redbull....get the adrenaline flowing...why do you think they drink it on winter X

  5. If you buy good gloves you shouldn't have a problem about getting cold hands. I get really bad circulation but in good ski gloves all is fine :]

  6. I have no idea, I'm struggling with that right now. I just ball my hands into fists when I'm on the lift. If that doesn't work I have to go inside. I've gotten frostbite a ****-load of times trrying to tough it out, so don't try that.

  7. You can try all kinds of commercial products, but I find that wearing MITTENS instead of gloves does the trick. That way you can make a fist & your own body heat keeps your hand warm. Think about the surface area that is exposed to the cold. With gloves, the entire surface of each individual finger is exposed, with only fabric to protect it. With a mittened hand, your fingers all protect one another from the cold. It's like when people "spoon" for warmth when they sleep in the're spooning your fingers!

  8. The make small heaters that fit into the gloves... try them

  9. Wear gloves

  10. Quality counts of course, but mittens are better than gloves due to the reduction in surface area for heat loss to occur combined with the fact that your fingers are in contact with each other.

    I however swear by gloves as a skier for their dexterity. What I do is pull my fingers into the hand part of the glove when going up lifts and make a fist. This usually always works.

    Hope this helps.

  11. Wear mittens with a fleece like glove insert.

  12. Glove liners will help, also make sure that your trunk is well protected from cold. If there isn't enough heat for your vital organs then the body will withdraw heat (so to speak) from your peripherals :) The one pair of gloves I loved was the Marmot Work Glove - always a true friend in the cold.

  13. Buy better gloves.  Good ones cost $50 and up...

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