
What's the easiest way to adopt a newborn baby from an out of state friend?

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We want to adopt a new born without the a hassle and cost of going through an agency or attorny.

How can we do this with the mother who is ready and willing to let us adopt her baby once it is born?




  1. you will need a lawyer,, as you need to adopt the baby legally he can draw up an agreement between you and the mother dont do anything illegal as you could end up losing the child.

  2. The laws in every state are different as to whether an adoption is allowed with "just" an attorney involved or if an adoption agency has to be involved. If your state allows adoptions without an adoption agency involved, then you have to have a home study done (usually about $1,200 to $1,800, depending on where you live and the average costs of home studies there) to show that you have a good home and enough income to support a child, and then an adoption attorney will draw up all the paperwork and represent you in court. If your state requires an agency be involved, then you will do the home study and go through an agency and pay them higher fee than an attorney would charge on his/her own.

    There is no way to legally adopt a child without a lawyer involved. Even the adoption agencies have lawyers to terminate birthparent rights in court and to finalize the adoption for you.

    Good luck!

  3. ONLY go through an attorney...  not a shared with the natural family's attorney; your OWN attorney...  and since this will be your child, you ofcourse want an attorney for the child to make sure the child has an unbiased advocate.

  4. The easist way is to NOT adopt this baby.

    You cannot do it LEGALLY without an attorney for you and you CANNOT do it ETHICALLY without an attorney for the mother as well. Which, again, ethically, you should NOT pay for...or it becomes a conflict of interest.

    You also CANNOT know, nor can this expectant mom, that she is ready and willing to place her child. She will Not be able to determine this until after the baby is born. Birth changes everything.

    It sounds like you think that mothers just love giving away their thinks you need to do some more research into the realities of adoption loss for mothers and also for the adoptees. It's not a cake walk for anyone at all.

  5. You will have to do a home study, with a licensed social worker doing the work.  Just a hint, if you look up what is included in one in your state, you can save a lot of money by having most of the information already typed up and ready to go when the worker gets there.  You'll have to have visits before the baby gets there, and after depending on your state's laws.  Is there any way the birth mom can move in with you during the very last of her pregnancy?  That way, the baby hears your voices also during the pregnancy, and it makes the transition easier (we did this, and within 1 week, my son came to me, and didn't want to go to his birth mother.  He screamed every time she picked him up, and every time I did, he quieted).  The paperwork was relatively easy to do, because we had the consent to adopt papers set up before he was born, and everything went through pretty easy.  The only problem we had was the hospital where he was born.  She hadn't signed papers ahead of time specifically on the hospital's own consent forms, and we had trouble getting him ready to discharge.  She was sent home a day earlier than him, and had to come back to fill out paperwork, so beware, and have your attorney on speeddial.  Also, as soon as the baby arrives, inform your attorney, as a paper is filed that at that time, the countdown to the birth mom changing her mind begins.  Good luck, and pray for your birth mom too, and be prepared.  It's very hard to give up a child, but the wait is soooooo worth it in the long run.

  6. go to legal aid its free they will tell you what needs to be done. i know this because my granddaughter is giving up her child when she is born

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