
What's the easiest way to clip my dogs nails?

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She is one and a half years old and is a lab. She never lets me clip her nails, and she is hyper already in the first place, like CRAZY. So shoul i give her some benadril to calm her down or just put her in a head lock and clip them. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO??




  1. tie her hands and legs then clip her nails take it eazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

  2. Maybe you need to get her used to the idea gradually.

    First, play ball with her until she is tired.

    Then, when she is lying down, start handling her feet, one by one.  Don't introduce the clippers yet.  Take one paw and then take one toe and fiddle with the claw.  Pet her and keep her relaxed.  Keep handling her toes and talking to her.

    When she has gotten used to having her paws and toes handled, you can start with the clipper.  Don't get upset if you can't get through all the toes in one sitting; you can get more later.

    Or, if you play ball with her on a concrete or asphalt surface, she may not need her nails clipped at all, hyper as she is.

  3. if she dont like you to cut her nails just leave her oustide on concret or take her for a long walk on the road or sidewalk and then the concrete would cut it shorter.

    hope i helped.


  4. If my dogs ever give me a hard time letting me clip their nails, I just take them to the vet or a good groomer and have them do it for me. It doesn't cost much and you don't have to worry about hitting the quick when you try to cut them yourself, because the dog is so antsy when you are trying to cut it's nails!

  5. Take her to a vet and let them do it. If she moves a lot and you don't have control over keeping her still, you could do a LOT of damage to her paws.

  6. I don't want to sound like a commercial but I just got a Peticure the other day and I really really love it.  If your dog doesn't like having it's nails clipped because I think sometimes it can be really painful that may help.  

    Otherwise usually any vet, groomer, or even a staffed self-service dog wash will have someone who can clip their nails for about 5 buck.  

    Then just spend a lot of time playing with your dogs feet, separating their toes all the stuff you do when you clip there nail so by the next time they need done they'll be  a little more comfortable with it.  

  7. Smear some Peanut Butter on the fridge at about head hight for her.

    While she's busy l*****g, lift her feet up behind her (like a farrier would to shoe a horse).  

    You might only get to do one foot at a time, but if you just do one foot a day you'll have them all clipped in no time and nobody will have to break a sweat.

    I do not EVER recommend bringing a dog to the vet or groomer to get their nails done.  At those places they don't have all day to work with your dog so they will just manhandle her and make her afraid of the whole thing.  If you do it yourself and take it slow she will eventually learn that it's ok and that there's nothing to be concerned about.

  8. if you are unable to control her then don't try to clip her nails because you may accidentally hurt her if she doesn't hold still. bring her to a vet or a groomer they are professionals and can do the job for you.

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