
What's the easiest way to make a homemade bong/ smoking apperatus?

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What's the easiest way to make a homemade bong/ smoking apperatus?




  1. take a soda bottle or any type of plastic bottle burn a hole in a side of it near the mouth piece but not to close put a socket (they work the best) in it or mold some tinfoil to fit in the hole (put small holes in it duhhhh) you can make another little hole if you want a carb but after that you are pretty much good to go you can put water in it to if you prefer just be careful when you hit it lol.

  2. Well if its for your 'herbs' haha get a clear light bulb and cut offthe metal socket about halfway. Remove the stuffs on the inside of the bulb and sand down sharp metal "mouthpiece" or the half ofthe socket. I like to wash it out just because then put your herbs on the inside ofthe bulb, cover the mouthpiece witha bottle cap or something, and get a lighter or candle to heat the glass part of the bulb. This will create a vapor inside the bulb which is cooler, smoother, easier on your lungs, and is just d**n cool haha.

  3. I use to make very nice bottle bongs even though the 2nd answer is the easiest way. This bong has a stem and slide instead of a carb.

    I made a bowl out of a marker cap, a bottle lid. Drilled a hole in the bottle lid, put a screen in the marker cap, put tin foil in the bottle lid. Then I got a pen took the inside out, put a hole in the bottle and then, caulked  the pen to the bottle so it was water/ air tight,  And it's better too use a skinny marker cap.

    then It would work like a real water bong and looked alot cooler than a bottle with burnt holes in it that you have to suck the smoke out.

  4. haha i love making bongs, its almost a hobby.  


    1) any water bottle will work,  although things like big arizona green tea, and 2 liter bottles are more ideal, then say a small little arrowhead bottle.  but anything would work.  

    2) what i do is take a marker, dismantle it, and empty it out.  

    3) the next step is to poke a hole in the side of the bottle.  the location of the hole is dependent on how long the stem (marker) is, it is best to have it almost hitting the bottom.  depending on how hard your bottle is, you may have to use a lighter to melt and thus weaken the plastic allowing you to penetrate it.  if you use an awl, you lessen the need to use a lighter.  you should avoid using a lighter, because it can make an uneven hole, and then your stem is not airtight.  

    4) once you have made the hole, put your stem into the hole so that the stem also helps to open up the hole, that way it is airtight.  it is also important to put the stem at a very steep angle, close to straight up and down.  this serves the purpose of allowing the bowl at the top of the stem to be level, so no weed spills.  again, try to make sure that the stem is close to hitting the bottom of the bottle, or does.  after this, tape this up, and make it airtight and watertight.  

    5) this step is optional, depending on how luxurious you wish to make your bong.  find another marker, or a pen, one that will be able to fit inside the other one snugly.  if you cant find one, find the closest thing that fits inside.  you can always add more tape to make the diameter of the pen/marker bigger.  this is your male piece.  

    6) the next step is the bowl.  this part can be tricky, you just need to be creative.  what i have found to work best is the socket of a deep socket wrench, or the funnel that comes with a flask.  put a screen over these, and then push it in to form a bowl.  if you dont have an ideal screen, like window screen, you can use foil, and poke a tiny hole (or holes) in it.  best to use a paperclip point for this.  [NOTE: it should be avoided to smoke out of aluminum foil, ive heard it has detrimental effects on the lungs, but remember, this isnt the highest quality bong, its makeshift.]

    7) your going to attach this bowl either to your male piece if you're using one, or just right onto the end of the stem.  

    8) fill it up, and you're ready to go.  


    1) these are a lot easier and pretty cool.   any water bottle is fine, it is not necessary to have a big one, although they are sometimes better.  the first thing to do is to take a cap and poke a hole in it.  

    2) through this hole, put a socket, or some kind of bowl that will feed in to the bottle through the cap.  the bowl should be facing straight up and level.  

    3) poke a hole in the bottom, on the rim of the bottle.  this hole should be a little bigger then carb size.  

    4) fill it with water and you're ready to go.  load up the bowl, and s***w the cap on.  when you're ready, start milking the bowl and take your finger off the hole at the bottom of the bottle.  the water leaving the bottle will create a pressure vaccum to pull the the smoke from the bowl in.  ideally, stop the waterfall when you have just a little bit of water left in the bottle, or once the bowl is milked.  then, take off the cap, and cover the top of the bottle, and shake the bottle to use the water remaining inside to cool the smoke, lots of ppl skip this step.  then rip it.  


    1) ive typed enough today.  just watch this video.

    happy smoking

  5. use an apple.  

  6. with a waterbottle

  7. make a gravity bong!

    take a two liter or milk bottle or whatever bottle you have around. drill a hole into the side up toward the top of it (but not on top!) and put some type of bowl in it for the green. also, cut off the bottom of bottle you use.

    get a bucket, or fill up the sink with water. then hold the bottle up where only the bottom is touching the water. light the bowl then put your mouth on the top spout of the bottle. see the insane amount of smoke filling up in there?? push the bottle into the water and inhale the smoke like that! you will cough your butt off and you will feel so gooooooood!

    if my directions didn't make sense, just google gravity bongs. i'm sure someone put instuctions online and maybe they will suggest something good from the house to use as the bowl.

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