
What's the easiest way to make friends if..?

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If you're not a very social person... like if you don't like talking to people you don't know? I'm starting college in less then a week and I'm thinking that I am going to HAVE to make friends... how can I do that if I get awkward around people and don't like starting conversations? And at the same time... I don't exactly look appraochable...




  1. You don't have to make friends if you don't want to.  But you might be surprized how much easier it is to make friends when no one really puts social pressure on you.  College is a lot more fun than high school, and I think that once you see the possibilities, you will loosen up a little.

  2. I have the same problem, but im only in Jr High and I only get along with shy people just like me, but I've learned that being shy at first is something common with everyone, but when you grow up you learn how to be confident in such things.

    If you're going to college, I think that you should be proud of yourself and feel confident about your lifestyles.

    When you see someone who seems interesting, then smile, try to look friendly and try to look like you're interested, especially with your roommate.

    Good luck!

  3. a smile says a lot but don't smile at everyone they will think you are a bit crazzy.pick out someone who you like the look of and intoduce yourself to them .like hi i'm ---- and i'm new here any chance you can give me the rundown of this place

    then take it from there.

    eye contact is important but not stare'ing

    good luck.

    c yah..

  4. Congrats -- you have a real chance now to change your personality right now!

    Starting a college is great as noone there knows about your communication probs. Now is the time to show them who you really want to be.

    Think of any ideal person you know who you'd like to look like and play him/her in front of the mirror. Visualize  yourself to be in that person's skin... copy his/her mimics, gestures, voice... Dress up differently like you normally do. Do some rehearsals during this week.

    Results will be amazing... starting from next week you will be another person, more sociable, likeable and charismatic. It will work, trust me... if you really want it. After the first few days of meeting new people you will really be that "new" person who you build. The first impressions are very important, then it all will go smoothly and naturally, you won't need to pretend or play --- because you will actually be that person who you want to be.

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