
What's the easiest way to train my dog to stop jumping on guests?

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What's the easiest way to train my dog to stop jumping on guests?




  1. (Note: wrong category!)

    First, you need to understand what training a dog in general is all about.  Dogs LOVE to be told what to do.  That's why they have integrated so well with humans.

    So, you need to give your dog a command, and a consequence.  If the dog obeys, good consequence; disobedience leads to a bad consequence.

    It needn't be something too strong; for instance, don't give your dog a cookie each time it obeys.  Most "good" reinforcement is petting, or saying "good boy" in as pleasing a tone of voice as you can (dogs are for some reason pretty clever about interpreting tone of voice).

    Bad consequences should not be harsh, but they should be clear.  For instance, if the dog does something really bad, isolating it in a closed room for a few minutes will teach it that there are social consequences (it can't be around you, which it likes, if it's naughty).

    The most IMPORTANT thing is consistency: if you are training your dog not to beg at the dinner table, you can NEVER give it food, or let anyone in your family, or even guests, do so.

    Any time you deviate from the "rules", your dog will become confused, and that's not fair to it.

    So, how to stop it from jumping on guests?  Well, first you have to stop it jumping on you and your family.  Is that already done?  Great, then just apply the same training you used.  If you don't know what to do, try these two things:

    1) if the dog starts to jump up, look away; give it the "cold shoulder"

    2) if the dog jumps up, push it back down quickly, with a flat hand against its face/nose, and if it stays, immediately praise it a little

    I prefer method 2, because the dog must always believe you are "in charge" and that it cannot get away with anything; method 1 is too passive, IMO, and usually used by those who are afraid to be accused of animal abuse.  But #2 is in no way abusive if you are controlling yourself.

    Anyway, one of the first "tricks" your dog should know well is "stay", and it should be able to stay, resisting food that's dropped -- anything -- without moving, until you "free" it with another command (e.g. "okay" or something better).  Practice by placing a treat (e.g. piece of carrot) on the floor in front of the dog, and making it stay until you allow it take the treat.  Learning to stay put like that will help it to be calm around your guests.

    Good luck!

  2. if the dog whisperer couldn't help you, then i'm afraid you're going to have to quarantine the critter until it decides to learn some manners.

  3. "pause" or "paws" (depending on the brand/breed)

    I don't know what to do from there.

    TiVOs & DVRs? srsly?  LOL :)

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