
What's the easyest way to replace a broken acoustic guitar string?

by  |  earlier

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my brother brok one of my guitar strings and idk how to fix it




  1. First the funny answer:  Buy a new guitar.

    Better answer:  Ask someone who knows how, to replace the string for you.  It's so easy that if you've seen it done once, you're an expert.

    Potentially even better answer:  Go to  They have pictures along with the explanation of how to do it.

  2. First of all if one is broken maybe it's time to replace them all they show and tell you how to do this on this site, just type in how to string my guitar;   or try this link, this is also very good.

    Hope that this helps !!!!!!!

  3. id take it to a music place or something and have them fix it.

  4. You need to search youtube for a video that shows the type of guitar and strings that you have.

  5. Hi Nat....

    Some answers are ridiculous and not helping you out. First, get a pair of pliars and gently rotate verrrrrry  slightly , the white peg on the bridge.

    Gently pull it as you are turning.  Now, insert the new string and replace the peg in the hole.

    After that, gently pull on the string so it locks into place and feed the other end on the machine head at the top, tune, and you are set.

    It looks more complicated than it is and their is nothing special. Trust me.....:-))

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