
What's the english translation of "warten auf dich"?

by  |  earlier

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i really need the translation, please help me

Die Schule ist aus

und die Sonne steht hoch,

du gehst wie immer nach Haus.

Die Mappe wird schwer

und die Angst ist groß,

doch das macht dir nichts mehr aus.

Durch die Straße deiner Albträume,

es geht kein Weg daran vorbei.

Du weißt, was dich erwartet,

es nutzt kein Hilfeschrei.

Sie warten nur auf dich,

mit einem Lächeln im Gesicht

wollen sie dich,

sie wollen nur dich.

Sie warten nur auf dich,

mit einem Lächeln im Gesicht

wollen sie dich,

sie wollen nur dich.

Du beugst dich der Prügel wie ein Schaf der Schur,

deine Sachen liegen im Dreck.

Irgendwann lassen sie von dir ab,

bis morgen lassen sie dich gehn.

Die Mutter wartet schon zu Haus:

"Wie siehst Du wieder aus?".

Am Nachmittag gibt's Hausarrest,

du bist in deinem sichersten Versteck




  1. My german is terrible, even though I have lived in germany for 8 months. I only know very little of this....

    school is out

    the son shines high

    I wish I knew more. I can only pick out certain words. sorry :(

  2. School's out

    and the sun's high in the sky

    you walk home as usual

    and your schoolbag's getting heavy

    and your fear rises,

    but you don't care anymore.

    Through the streets of your nightmares,

    there's no way to avoid.

    You know what's waiting for you,

    no useless cry for help.

    They are waiting for you

    with a smile n their faces.

    They want you,

    just you.

    They are waiting for only you,

    with their smiles on their faces,

    they want you,

    just you.

    You bow to their beatings like a sheep that's been sheared,

    your stuff is all lying in the dirt.

    They let you go somewhen,

    they'll let you go until tomorrow.

    Your mother waits at home and says,

    "What do YOU look like?"

    She'll give you house arrest for the afternoon,

    you're in the most secret den.

  3. The school is out

    and the sun stands highly,

    you go like always to house.

    The briefcase becomes heavy

    and the fear is large,

    but you nothing more constitutes.

    By the road of your nightmares,

    it does not pass a way.

    You know, what expects you,

    it does not use an assistance cry.

    They wait only for you,

    with a smile in the face

    want they you,

    they want only you.

    They wait only for you,

    with a smile in the face

    want they you,

    they want only you.

    You bend yourself flog like a sheep of the Schur, your things lie in the dirt.

    They discharge sometime of you,

    until they let you tomorrow go.

    The mother waits already to house:

    " How do you see? ".

    In the afternoon there is house arrest,

    you are in your safest hiding place

    12 hours ago - 3 days ton to who left.

    Additional detail

    12 hours ago

    They wait only for you,

    with a smile in the face

    want they you,

    they want only you.

    They wait only for you,

    with a smile in the face

    want they you,

    they want only you.

    You stare to the cover,

    you lie in bed,

    one never becomes you verstehn.

    No protest of the world has purpose,

    you must go the way again.

    They wait only for you,

    with a smile in the face

    want they you,

    they want only you.

    They wait only for you,

    with a smile in the face

    want they you,

    they want only you.

    there ya go. i answered the other one too...

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