
What's the equivalent to 3 US study hours/credits in the UK university system?

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I'm trying to find out if it would be possible to find out what would be needed in order to complete the equivalent of 30 US credit hours in a UK college/university. Does anyone know how to calculate this? And would this be able to be completed from, say... August to December? I've been told that in the UK, classes are completed via a full year's basis, and have a 'pass/fail' quality, meaning that to pass, the full year (september-july) has to be completed. Is there a way around this?

Thank you for your help in advance. I appreciate it.




  1. As far as I know, the credit hours come out about the same, so to get 30 you'd probably have to go both semesters. It could depend on your university, though...I attended one in London and the credit hours worked out the same as for my college in the U.S.

    Generally the UK does do their classes on a full year basis, but you can still just study abroad for a semester, you don't have to go the whole year to get a passing grade.

    It would probably help if you had an idea of which university you wanted to go to, and then you could talk with someone in the International Education office at your college about more information. Good luck!

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