
What's the ethinic background of people of Sicilia?

by Guest58105  |  earlier

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What's the ethinic background of people of Sicilia?




  1. You could get detailed data from the Sicilian Government Tourist web site, but to save you the trouble, top of the mind, Sicily is a real "melting pot" of ethnic combinations, quite the mini U.S. of S:

    1. the ancient European people called "Siculi" gave the Island it's name, then came

    2. the Greeks on the East coast;

    3. the Carthiginians (Phoenician stock - Tyre & Sidon = today's Lebanon) on the West coast;

    4. Romans (who were built out of nearly all the Italic, in addition to Gallic population and the other European members of the Empire);

    5. Byzantines (Greek-Roman);

    6. Arabs (all North Africans from Egyptian, Lybian to Maghreb stock, in addition to M. Eastern tribes);

    7. Normans and a minority of Albanians fleeing the Turks;

    8. Spaniards, with a smattering of Austrians ;

    9. the odd North Italian, who came down after unity.

    A truly wonderful cocktail of people - all Siculissimi.

  2. Idk..i have sicilian in me and people say Sicilians are darker in color than the rest of italy but im light skinned and dark say some european and some are meditteranean..i really dont know im trying tho..i think i shud get the best answer for trying :)

  3. In the beginning 3 tribes; Sicani, Elymians and Ligures lived on Sicily. Then the Greeks came to Sicily. After this period the Romans arrived. A Germanic tribe took Sicily in 440 AD. Then an Islamic army came from Africa. After a couple of centuries the Normans freed Sicily.Next the Hofenstaufen Dynasty who were Germanic people from Swabia ruled Sicily. Eventually the pope named a ruler and island became catholic etc. etc.

  4. mainly

    Middle eastern and Latin (or greek)

    Arab - north africa


    Normans - (scandinavians who had migrated to the north of france)

    in some areas the accent is very close to an arabic accent.

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