
What's the etiquette, when dating someone for the 1st time and they are harassed by an ex?

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If your out on a date and their ex comes in and starts to berate the person your with, about their kid. What do you do, guys? And ladies if he gets into a physical altercation with your baby's father for defending you, do you stay out of it?




  1. How did the ex know where you were going on a date at?  That's not right.  I would say it's time to stop dating - too much drama.  

  2. My first thought is that it depends on how the person you are on a date with handles it.  If they are consistent and have strict limits with the harassing ex, it will be easier for you to handle.  You can't do anything to control the ex, it's up to the person you're dating to handle them.  BUUUUTT, in all honesty, crazy exes are NO FUN!!!!  especially when they have a kid together.  that means that the ex is never going to go away.  I've dealt with more than my fair share of them and i wouldn't wish them on anyone.  They make your life miserable and are a constant elephant in the room, sorta speak.  If you really like the person you went out on the date with, talk to them about it.  Find out if the ex is always like that or just having a bad time.  My honest advice is to walk away before you get it too deep.  It's really for your own sanity and peace of mind.  

  3. Keep a low profile. Avoid all physical altercations by leaving. Immediately.

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