
What's the etiquette for seating babies and children at wedding receptions?

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We have babies and children of all ages coming to our buffet reception. One of our friends requested a high-seat for their child. We have no idea where to get these from and what about for other children. Also we heard parents would generally know to bring their own pram. Is that true?

What age to what age would need a pram (and would they bring their own)?

What age to what age would need a high chair (and what can we provide or ask them to bring)?





  1. I definately dont think you should have to provide high chairs for any of the kids. Any smart parent will bring with them a pram and if they dont its their own fault.

    I really dont think you even need to ask ppl to bring their own high chairs. People should know they need to take care of their own children. Leave it to them to figure out. You have more important things to think about.

    Have a table just for the kids as well

    Best of luck!

  2. You really do not need to worry about the children, that is what the parents do.  Young children should be seated with their parents, older children 8+ maybe, can be seated at a "young adult" table with other children.

    I don't think you need to worry about highchairs or prams, the parents will know how to handle that!

    For the record, my husband and I have large families with lots of children.  We invited them all, and NO ONE complained.  Everyone had a great time.  Weddings are a family affair.  If the bride and groom want children then it's their prerogative.  As a wedding designer I would never tell a client to invite or not invite anyone, That is in poor taste.

  3. First of all, and most importantly, you need to know that when you permit babies, toddlers, and small children to your wedding and/or reception YOU will receive complaints . . maybe not that day, but you will receive complaints (about the noise, chaos, running around, disruption, highchairs, strollers, baby carriages, screaming, and crying).  There are many people who are uncomfortable or offended when babies and small children are brought to a "special event."

    As the Bride and Groom, YOU are NOT responsible for the babies' or toddlers' needs.  If you are having a reception at a hotel or banquet hall or restaurant, there's a good chance the manangement may already have some of these items on hand and available BUT do not assume that, call and find out.  And if the restaurant/hotel/banquet hall does not have highchairs or children's seats or baby carriages then YOU need to inform the parents so they know what to bring for their baby or toddler.  

    Answered by:  A Certified wedding specialist / A Professional bridal consultant / A Wedding ceremony officiant

  4. If you want to invite them that's your business.  I however would not want anyone under 12 there mainly just for this type of reason.  I think they need to find a babysitter.

  5. Never have I been to a reception where booster seats were provided. Children that are old enough to sit up are given a chair, babies are left to the mother to care and provide for.

    If your reception hall makes provisions for booster seats, good. Otherwise, give a heads up to the Moms with small children.

  6. Sorry, but I feel that events such as weddings and especially receptions are to be enjoyed by adults and adults only.

    The Rat

  7. Parents should bring their own prams and most would do that.  As far as high chairs go if the reception centre dont have them I would suggest to ppl that they bring their own.  Most ppl dont mind feeding their child sitting on their lap or they make do with the chairs there.  I wouldnt panic too much let the parents worry about their own kids.  Have fun and just most wedding videos theres a kid crying so put them away from the table while the speeches are being done or away from the video...we learnt this the hard way.  lol

  8. I've only eve been to one wedding where children were invited and there were only 3 children and a baby- all of who were nieces and nephews of the bride and groom. The baby sat in his pram while everyone ate. The children sat with their parents so they could keep an eye on them. If they're older children you could consider seating them at the same table together with colouring books and activities to keep them occupied- but near their parents so they can supervise them.

    I'd call the reception venue and ask if they provide highchairs. If the do you could request them for the children who will need them. If they don't, I'd call the parents and nicely tell them that the reception venue unfortunately doesn't provide high chairs, but you are happy for them to bring their own, or use their pram to sit their child in.

  9. Personally I wouldn't have them there at all.  They tend to take over and get in the way, and it's your day not theirs.  If you must have them there seat them as near to the exit doors as you can and stipulate a time that you would like them to leave so the adults can have some serious fun without upsetting the little darlings.

  10. they get their own table, preferably where they can be most easily ignored by the adults but still in that sweet zone where if they do get in a spot of trouble you notice their incessant whines. They are given crayons to distract them and the table should be covered in paper so the children don't feel limited as they will color on everything anyway (including eachother) .

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