
What's the fastest and best way to understand Brits - Londoners - with their accent?

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Most of my friends, well, more than half of my friends are all british - Londoners, to be exact. We're really close to each other, but there's just this one problem... I never get what they're saying, as in, how they talk with their accent. Everytime they talk to me, I'm like, "huh?" or "I don't understand a thing" or "what are you saying..?" and all that. Then they would talk to me, like, reeeeaal slooow and everytime thay talk to me like that, they make me look like an idiot. So now are you wondering why am i close with my british friends? It's because they need to WRITE, just to talk to me. But my friends are not the problem though. The problem is, what it the fastest and the best way to understand brits (londoners) with their accent? I know this might not be a big deal for you guys, but for me, this is a big deal... So I need answers which could really help me get through this! thanks for understanding...




  1. Do they use a lot of Cockney rhyming slang? That might be why. That's more dialect than accent.

    I don't know where you're from, but you should be able to understand their English.

    I have no problem understanding Brits (I'm a transplanted Texan originally from the New York City area) at all, but their slang sometimes confuses me. I do ask for clarification sometimes. Nothing wrong with that.

  2. i dunno mate, you tell me? lol

  3. relax and listen

  4. as they're likely to be speaking english, take a crash course...

  5. Some times we have to speak their tongued language to meet them half way.

  6. it could take time for ur ear to ajust to their accents but why dont u try speaking with their accents when they are around and they could correct you and if you understand how they talk then it might help u to understand them

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