
What's the fastest anyone has ever learned a language relatively fluently?

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What's the fastest anyone has ever learned a language relatively fluently?




  1. If you're talking just the basics "Hi, how are you?"  "My name is ..."  "What time is it?"  "Where can I find ....?" I would say several weeks.  If you want to have a good accent and decent comprehension of spoken and written, add on another few weeks. Beyond that, you really need to immerse yourself in the language (eg, the country) and think in a matter of months (or more).

  2. Within weeks. I'm learning German, but now I speak it fluently. *Ich spreche de Deutsch* I would reccomend this site: it is great and the best site to learn a language completely for free.

  3. my native tongue is tagalog and kapampangan. i think english is the language i learned fast and i can say i'm fluent in it. i'm trying to learn japanese right now and it's kinda hard :)

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