
What's the fastest growing, most hardy, highest yield strain of algae?

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It's for a biofuel project. I don't care about oil content, just cellulose...and lots of it efficiently. I'm looking for an algae weed that will completely dominate an open wet ecosystem without need to control temperature too much.

I understand that many algaes are area-specific. Ideally, there would be one for hot climates like the Southwest US and one for wetter climates such as the Gulf Coast or the Midwest.




  1. Do you want salt-water or fresh water species?  In fresh water, Chlorella and Chlamydomonas are typically grown in large amounts for research purposes.  Some Chlamydomonas can produce 64 offspring at a time.  Some of the kelps grow rapidly.

    What about kudzu vine?  It was introduced into the south during the Depression to stabilize the dirt banks because it grows so rapidly!

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